hi! welcome to Suki sama's land...of doom? anyway, i am not by any means new to the otaku. i was previously registered as elisedelunadraco for about two years. here's some basic stuff about me:

Name: Elise
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Nickname: Suki
Location: everywhere...turn around...
Hobbies: sleeping, reading, eating cake, drawing and studying
Favorites: chocolate, cats, mechanical pencils, Fullmetal Alchemist,
Music: Gackt, L'arc en ciel, Tokio Hotel, The Shins, Moulin Rouge Soundtrack, random J-pop
other: i still really like the Spice Girls.........




hey everyone! this is Suki! I have changed my user name from elidelunadraco to Suki sama. No reason except i could.... anywho i will not be posting on my last world anymore so come here instead! i will try to resubmit my fan art but i don't know if they will let me.... anyway here is a random picture of me drawing on my hand...again...ink poisoning.....it's really cool cuz i messed with it for a while.

