I drew a picture of Areis surrounded by the lifestream for a final project.We were aloud to do what ever we wanted as long as it had something in it that we did this year.I blended greens and blues and a little purple.We worked on blending for 3 weeks(god knows why...),and we even had to write on the back of our picture what we did.I got a D on it.I was so pi$$ed off!(i dont think we can swear on here.Precautions)She said "We never went over this type of art.".Plus I remember she was complaining about Anime and Manga at Art Club to the principal.She found my friends Absolute Boyfriend book on the floor and my other friends Vanilla(
I agree with you. My friend mentioned this to me years ago - "nobody has the right to judge art." It's just as you said, what is crap to a person, is a masterpiece to another. There are different rendering methods out there, and to be honest, there are some which I don't personally like. But in respect to fellow artist, I try to appreciate what it is. He did mention something about realism, though. If something is declared to be realism, and is not, then critique away as to how to make it better. Other forms are usually off-limits, since they are the artist's form of expression.
Great article. At least you learned something from him, eh?
I know what you mean. My passion, anime, is my dad's poison, along with practically all the art teachers at my school. Only one is okay with anime, she seems to understand that anime is art while the others won't even acknowledge calling it anything other than "crap" and/or "junk". It's great that you didn't let anyone get in your way and stop you from becoming an artist! Awesome article! Art is art, its authentic as long as it has been drawn by a person yet not stolen from someone else.
I last took an art class in the eighth grade, having the pleasure of sucessfully skirting around having to take one in high school. The school academic team's teacher sponsor was an art teacher and he would dismiss anime and manga as "crap" all the time. He was a cool guy, unless you brought something drawn anime-style up to him. All four years I was on academic team, we just knew that we would agree to disagree and that was fine. Besides, I know plenty of artsy people who enjoy anime.
Now, I'm not that bad of an artist, but I'm not the best either. I know that there are others out there who are better and worse, and those who will like my art and those who won't. It all really depends on personal preference. Will I be upset if someone dosen't like my art? Not really. The only thing that matters is that ther person who drew it likes it, and that's fine by me.
wow, u took the words that i've been trying to tell people for ages out of my mouth. it isn't about if it's drawn by a japanese person or an american person, or if the style is isanely different. it's all art.
now that u've stated ur horror with that art class, i'm cringing into going into my first in my next year in high school. *glooms* i've self taught myself any real technique that i have and i'm not big on someone telling me specifically how i'm supposed to draw something. v_v
well, this was a great article, i hope to read more from u later!!
When I look at a picture, I judge it within a few seconds. The technique, the amount of time it took, the artist experience and similar details do not really matter to me. College is meant to prepare people for the real world so that they can be successful in their careers. About 99% of the time you will not be selling your art to other professional artists. That is why having a non-artist art teacher was a good chance for you and your fellow students to get real world criticism.
If you want to say "art is art" and not accept the criticism from others then you should pursue art as a hobby. That is just my opinion anyway.
The Pied Piper (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/07/08 | Reply
Another article that really hit home for me. I tell my friends that they can draw, it's just a matter of someone liking it or not.
I think too often we're taught to look at the big piture and not the little details that make up that picture. This goes for art as well as other things. I had a writing teacher who gave me a 'B' on a story because he "didn't understand the culture". The culture had nothing to do with the story.
And as for authenticity, it's drawn by the creators and spoken in their native language (which I don't mind dubbing so I don't care anyway), so what isn't authentic about it?
Again, great article. It's good to see you didn't let one teacher stop you from doing art.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/09/08 | Reply
hey!it just cut off the rest of my comment!Stupid 10year old computer you peice of crap you!

Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/09/08 | Reply
I drew a picture of Areis surrounded by the lifestream for a final project.We were aloud to do what ever we wanted as long as it had something in it that we did this year.I blended greens and blues and a little purple.We worked on blending for 3 weeks(god knows why...),and we even had to write on the back of our picture what we did.I got a D on it.I was so pi$$ed off!(i dont think we can swear on here.Precautions)She said "We never went over this type of art.".Plus I remember she was complaining about Anime and Manga at Art Club to the principal.She found my friends Absolute Boyfriend book on the floor and my other friends Vanilla(
Otaku Summoner (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/10/08 | Reply
I agree with you. My friend mentioned this to me years ago - "nobody has the right to judge art." It's just as you said, what is crap to a person, is a masterpiece to another. There are different rendering methods out there, and to be honest, there are some which I don't personally like. But in respect to fellow artist, I try to appreciate what it is. He did mention something about realism, though. If something is declared to be realism, and is not, then critique away as to how to make it better. Other forms are usually off-limits, since they are the artist's form of expression.
Great article. At least you learned something from him, eh?
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/09/08 | Reply
I know what you mean. My passion, anime, is my dad's poison, along with practically all the art teachers at my school. Only one is okay with anime, she seems to understand that anime is art while the others won't even acknowledge calling it anything other than "crap" and/or "junk". It's great that you didn't let anyone get in your way and stop you from becoming an artist! Awesome article! Art is art, its authentic as long as it has been drawn by a person yet not stolen from someone else.
Hits Self With Axe (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/08/08 | Reply
I last took an art class in the eighth grade, having the pleasure of sucessfully skirting around having to take one in high school. The school academic team's teacher sponsor was an art teacher and he would dismiss anime and manga as "crap" all the time. He was a cool guy, unless you brought something drawn anime-style up to him. All four years I was on academic team, we just knew that we would agree to disagree and that was fine. Besides, I know plenty of artsy people who enjoy anime.
Now, I'm not that bad of an artist, but I'm not the best either. I know that there are others out there who are better and worse, and those who will like my art and those who won't. It all really depends on personal preference. Will I be upset if someone dosen't like my art? Not really. The only thing that matters is that ther person who drew it likes it, and that's fine by me.
Be true, be you and of course, be otaku.
haseo luver92
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/08/08 | Reply
wow, u took the words that i've been trying to tell people for ages out of my mouth. it isn't about if it's drawn by a japanese person or an american person, or if the style is isanely different. it's all art.
now that u've stated ur horror with that art class, i'm cringing into going into my first in my next year in high school. *glooms* i've self taught myself any real technique that i have and i'm not big on someone telling me specifically how i'm supposed to draw something. v_v
well, this was a great article, i hope to read more from u later!!
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/08/08 | Reply
When I look at a picture, I judge it within a few seconds. The technique, the amount of time it took, the artist experience and similar details do not really matter to me. College is meant to prepare people for the real world so that they can be successful in their careers. About 99% of the time you will not be selling your art to other professional artists. That is why having a non-artist art teacher was a good chance for you and your fellow students to get real world criticism.
If you want to say "art is art" and not accept the criticism from others then you should pursue art as a hobby. That is just my opinion anyway.
The Eighth Sin
The Pied Piper (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/07/08 | Reply
Another article that really hit home for me. I tell my friends that they can draw, it's just a matter of someone liking it or not.
I think too often we're taught to look at the big piture and not the little details that make up that picture. This goes for art as well as other things. I had a writing teacher who gave me a 'B' on a story because he "didn't understand the culture". The culture had nothing to do with the story.
And as for authenticity, it's drawn by the creators and spoken in their native language (which I don't mind dubbing so I don't care anyway), so what isn't authentic about it?
Again, great article. It's good to see you didn't let one teacher stop you from doing art.