A story of Family, Friends and a Shit load of problems!

Chapter 3

“Right guys!” Sam shouted across the soccer field at the Winchester children,” lets see who can get the ball by me!”

Almost immediately they started pelting him with soccer balls. Sarah sat on a park bench, Cobain in her arms. He slept so soundly with his thumb in his mouth and his head resting on Sarah’s breast.

The children continued playing soccer even after Sam had left and had gone to join his wife and nephew. He sighed and took a swing of water, drinking it down like it was going out of fashion.

“This is the childhood I never had.” Sam said.

“Snap.” Sarah replied turning to look at her husband’s puppy- brown eyes,” Raised like warriors, trained like thieves. I’m glad these kids will never get to meet my parents – would have screwed them up.”

She lifted a hand and fiddled with Sam’s shoulder-length hair. He smiled in return.

“Do you think we should ever tell them what we did when we were younger? I mean, if they ever ask about why you, Dean and John go on your little trips what should we say?”

“We should lie.” Sam replied, he was no longer smiling,” I don’t think it would be fair taking away their childhood like that.”

“How would telling them the truth take away their child hood? It’s not like we would be pushing them out the door and screaming at them to join in with our hunting games!”

Sam sighed, closed his eyes and shook his head. Obviously this was not up for discussion and you might as well be asking him to encourage his daughter and son into prostitution.

“Sam, what I’m saying Is; If the kids ever found out and actually liked the idea and wanted to join in with us, when they were old enough of course, I wouldn’t argue. They could join in with us if they liked.”

Sam’s head snapped round. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He would expect this from Dean but not from Sarah.

“Are you mad!” He cried ,” If they ever do find out and wish to hunt, I will not allow it! If Cobain and Dana want to hunt, that’s great, by all means let them but if Ryan or Kayla so much as ask me, there are out of the house!.”

Sarah sat in silence and utter shock at her husbands sudden out-burst. Cobain, now awake, clung to the collar of her t-shirt and cried softly.

“You remind me of Elen you know! She held Joe back and look what happened. She went out anyway and never came back to see her. No Elen is alone in that god-forsaken bar of hers, probably regretting what she did and missing her daughter.

So, if you dare drive our children away from us, so help me god!” She replied in a low and angry whisper.

By now Cobain was screaming and gripping onto Sarah with more force. She cooed him, reassuring him everything was okay.

“Shhhh baby. That’s a good boy.”

Sam was silent beside her. He watched her, swaying Cobain in her arms. It was then that he felt a pair of eyes watching him from behind. He turned round, almost jumping as he laid eyes on his niece, Dana.

“Uncle Sam?” she asked.

“Yes honey?” he replied, shifting round to give her his full attention.

“What do you mean by hunting?”

Sam’s stomach tightened, Sarah looked up with a shocked expression on her face. Sam was speechless, he kept opening his mouth but no words would come out and as a lawyer this almost never happened.

“Oh sweetie. It’s nothing to worry about. I and uncle Sam were just having a private discussion.” Sarah told her.

“I’m ten years old, I’m not stupid.” Dana replied.

“Of course your not sweetie. But it’s really nothing of your concern. I assure you.”

“Alright. I won’t concern over it.” Dana sighed.

“Go play with your cousins,” Sam said smiling,” I’ll be along in a minute.”

Dana waltzed off closely followed by Sam. Maybe playing soccer would make this mistake go away.
