I know you like poetry, I like it to....sometimes....I just can't write it. And yes, you'd get in trouble for writing a poem like that when a teacher reads it!
I actually kind of like poetry... sometimes... I got in trouble last week though when I wrote the poem about how I wish a tornado would just come and rip the school apart and kill all the stupid people in it...
See, I wish I could write poems like that! That means I would be able to pass my creative writing class. We're going into poetry pretty soon....I'm going to fail!
Nino Umaka
Eternal Dweeb (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/14/10 | Reply
@Captain Ronnie:
Lol yeah I can see that!
Captain Ronnie
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/14/10 | Reply
@Nino Umaka:
The rest of the class liked it.... xP
Nino Umaka
Eternal Dweeb (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/14/10 | Reply
@Captain Ronnie:
I know you like poetry, I like it to....sometimes....I just can't write it. And yes, you'd get in trouble for writing a poem like that when a teacher reads it!
Captain Ronnie
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/13/10 | Reply
@Nino Umaka:
I actually kind of like poetry... sometimes... I got in trouble last week though when I wrote the poem about how I wish a tornado would just come and rip the school apart and kill all the stupid people in it...
Nino Umaka
Eternal Dweeb (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/13/10 | Reply
See, I wish I could write poems like that! That means I would be able to pass my creative writing class. We're going into poetry pretty soon....I'm going to fail!