TIME Academy

Chapter 16: Gonna Have A Good Day


My head was spinning. Dan had told me that something was in my drink, but that I should enjoy this while it lasted. I told him I didn’t think this was right, that Hei didn’t actually feel this way about me, and that it was wrong to mess around with feelings like this. He just said there was nothing we could do, and just to wait until it wore off. I sighed, and almost told Hei what he was feeling was wrong, but I couldn’t do it. I liked what was happening, guiltily so. I held Hei’s hand, and we went back to the dining hall. No one was paying us any mind, but it still felt strange, holding Hei’s hand in front of people. He had kissed me twice, and I was happy, but still, knowing this was all because of a potion, it hurt a little. Hei must have noticed me thinking. “Something is wrong. Please tell me.” He said to me.

“I, I guess I’m just feeling a little off today, not really like myself.” I answered.

“What can I do to help?” He asked. I shook my head and whispered.

“I don’t know…” I felt so amazingly guilty, and I wasn’t sure if I could truly enjoy my time with him when I knew this wasn’t real.

“But I want to be able to help you sweetie. Whatever you want to do.” He said.

“Well, I-I guess just, do what we normally do…” I saw Hiro sitting at the table Hei was at before I collapsed. He waved to us and we sat down. “I’m not sure what I want, you go on ahead and get some food for yourself Hei.” I smiled at him.

"I already ate before you came in." He told me, not letting go of my hand.

“Hei, are you worried about me?” I asked. “I’ll be ok.”

"Of course he's worried about you. He always is ever since the day he asked you out." ‘Even Hiro thinks this is really happening…’ I thought to myself.

"Yes I am worried about you. You've been acting strange ever since you collapsed this morning. I just want to make sure that you didn't hurt your head when you fell." Hei said.

“Well, maybe that’s what’s wrong with me, yeah, that has to be it…I, I actually…d-don’t remember you asking me out, or, or what has happened over the past few weeks…months maybe?” I sort of told the truth, and sort of lied too.

"We've been going out for two years now Katara. We met in middle school and then I moved away right as we started dating then you found out that my father was opening up a school of his own and your parents let you come here." ‘WHAT. What in the world?!’

“I-I don’t r-remember…” I let go of Hei and put my hands over my face. “I-I guess that the fall actually did get to me.” I said. I was telling the truth now. I really didn’t know what was going on.

"It's alright, I'll tell you whatever you want to know. I don't want the only person that I've really been able to open up to be lost and confused." Hei said.

“I, I remember you being stuttery, and shy…that’s why this is hard for me…I’m, not used to it. Kind of…I think… I don’t know anymore…” I laid my head down on the table.

"It's alright, Katara, we don't have to push it. Let's just spend the day together. It is Saturday so we can do our homework tomorrow. I can try to explain to you what's happened to try to help you remember." Hei said. I sat back up, an Hiro was looking at me strangely.

“I-I’m going to go get some juice or something…” I quickly stood up.

"Are you sure that you don't want me to get it for you?" Hei asked.

“Um…ok…” I sat back down. Maybe I could talk to Hiro a little and figure out what exactly was happening.

"I'll go and get you something to drink." Hei said. I smiled at him.

“Thank you, l-love.” I stuttered and blushed once again. I wasn’t sure if I could get used to this.

“Of course.” He hugged me and I looked at Hiro, biting my lip. Once Hei let go, and headed off to get me a drink, I faced Hiro.

“I-Is this real? I’m not just dreaming am I?” I asked.

"I don't understand what you mean. You two have been dating since before I was Hei's roommate."

“I see.” I nodded. This was some crazy potion, that’s for sure.

"You must have really hit your head pretty hard when you fell." Hiro said. I nodded.

“I think I scared Hei. I’m scaring myself actually.” I laughed awkwardly. “I hope it get’s better. I’ll make it up to him somehow, he seems to be pretty calm at the moment.”

"Why do you say that he's scared?" Hiro asked.

“He just, seems fussy over me, I’m not used to being taken care of like this.” I admitted.

“He cares about you.” Hiro said.

“I know he does…” I smiled. Maybe I could just let it go. If it was a potion, then it was going to wear off sometime, and I really should go with the flow. After all, I wanted to make Hei happy, right? So if I let him do what he wanted, I was doing something good...

“That’s good.” Hiro responded. Hei came back, glass of juice in hand.

“Here’s your drink Katara.” He handed it to me.

“You’re so sweet Hei.” I smiled. “What do you want to do after this? Whatever you want, I’m up for it.”

“I’m not too sure really, We could take a walk in the woods.” He suggested. I downed my juice and took a deep breath.

“Sounds like fun!” I exclaimed. “Lets go!” I pulled on Hei’s hand as I stood up. “See you later Hiro?”

“Don’t get lost now.” He waved at us. Before we could get outside. I stopped.

“Wait here, I’m going to go get my camera.” I said. Hei nodded, and I ran to my room, and grabbed the little point and shoot Cannon my parents had got me. Nothing was out of place in my room at all, which I was relieved about. I got back down to Hei and grinned. “I’m ready!” I said. A romantic walk in the woods with the boy I liked? I think yes. He took my hand and we headed out onto the grounds and headed into the woods. I had never gone into the woods the way he was taking me, so I stood close to him. It was chilly, and he was actually quite warm.

“I don’t think I’ve taken you to my favorite spot yet have I?” Hei spoke up.

“No, you haven’t. Hey, look at me and smile like you love me!” I pulled out my camera.

“Alright.” He laughed, and I took a picture. Seeing his face light up was so wonderful! I put my camera back and poked him in the nose. “What was that for?” He asked. I just giggled and took a few steps back from him. “Come on.” He grabbed my hand and started walking. I caught up to him in a few strides, and squeezed his hand slightly. He had no idea how much I liked this. “Is there something on your mind?” Hei lightly blew in my ear. I shivered a bit and got closer to him.

“I was just thinking about how much I like you.” He took his jacket off and put it around my shoulders.

“There you go.” He said sweetly.

“But, what about you? I don’t want you to get sick…” I looked up at him.

"I won't I'll be alright. If I do get sick it just means that we can't kiss until I'm better." He said I immediately threw his coat at him.

“No.” I said seriously. I didn’t know how long this potion was going to last, and I didn’t want anyone to be sick. I wanted to enjoy this for as long as I could.

“Then we can go back and get you a coat.” He said. I smiled and ran off ahead of him.

“Nope! I’m fine!” I called back.

“Katara wait up!” He ran after me and caught me, and I blinked.

“Since when are you so fast?” I asked him

“I’ve been fast, I’ve just never used it against you.” He kissed my cheek lightly and I smirked a little.

“Maybe you should use it against me sometimes.” I looked up at him, and my smile fell. If we had been together for so long, then, at least in the eyes of the potion, had we ever… “Hei, have we ever…you know…” My face got hot.

"If you want to try it, I'm up for it." He laughed a little. "You're so cute when you blush."

“R-Really?” I stuttered.

“Only if you’re ready though.” He said.

“O-Oh…” I grew quiet. I guess we had put it off, and waited. If he waited for me this long in this scenario, it gave me hope that when the potion wore off, if we did get together after this, he would wait for me then too. So, now the question that weighed heavy on my mind now was, go through with this thought, or keep waiting.

“Hello????” Hei waved his hand in front of my face, and I was pulled away from my thoughts. I immediately hugged him tightly.

“Sorry. Just a lot on my mind lately…” Hei wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled as close as I could. I hadn’t been so close to someone physically in a long time, so I was almost drowning in bliss.

“That’s alright.” He said.

“You said, you wanted to show me a place you loved?” I knew I had to let him go, or else we would freeze out in the woods.

“Oh right, we’re almost there. About a minute or two away.” He smiled. We started off again, until we got to a small clearing.

“Aw, Hei, it’s pretty!” I smiled widely.

“It’s where I go to think. To get away from Doc…” He said.

“And, me? You’ve never shown me this place before.”

“It’s my place to go and think.” He said. It seemed like he still secluded himself from time to time.

“Why bring me here then? This is your place, and, it sounds like I’m not supposed to know where this place is.”

“That’s why I brought you here. So you would know where it is just in case.”

“Just in case what?” I asked.

"You never know." I just looked down after he said that. I wondered if he still had depression. Did he sometimes, have episodes? Could he get so bad that he could possibly come out here and… I started to tear up at these thoughts I was having. "Baby, baby, don't cry. I showed you this place that way if you also needed a place the think you could come here." He put his hands on my cheeks and I smiled.

“I worry about you Hei. I just don’t want anything bad to happen to you is all.”

“And I don’t wan’t anything bad to happen to you. I love you Katara.” He said.

“And, I love you too.” I nodded. I looked at him and smiled a little. “Maybe, we should go. I’m getting cold, and I kind of want to go warm back up.”

“Alright. One last thing though.” He pressed his lips to mine and I thought it was just going to end there, but he pushed forward and a slight peck turned into a much deeper, more intense kiss. I was shocked, but, rather enjoyed it. I closed my eyes and kissed him back, trying to match his intensity, but as soon as I did, he took the opportunity to take advantage of my open mouth, and he slid his tongue into my mouth, and his arms curled around my waist and back. I squeaked because I was so surprised by his actions, not that I didn’t like it, I was just caught off guard. He quickly pulled away.

"I didn't hurt you did I? I know that I haven't done that in a while." He said.

“No, no…I, was just surprised is all…” I caught my breath again.

“Let’s head back to the dorms.” He took my hand, and I didn’t need to be told twice. I practically dragged him to my room, in record time probably.

“I don’t want you to get a cold sweetie.” He said.

“We’ll be ok now, luckily its usually warm in my room.” I opened up my door and it was actually kind of cold. “Oh no…” I went over to the heater and kicked it. “Stupid thing…did it decide to break again?” I fiddled with the knobs, but no luck.

“I’ll talk to Doc about it so that it will get fixed.” Hei closed the door behind him.

“Are you sure you want to stay in here? It’s a bit cold. I bet Hiro is in your room, maybe he would let us watch a movie.” I suggested, searching for a hoodie. I felt arms go quickly around my waist, and Hei set me down on the bed.

"I'm sure that I want to stay in here." He said. I nodded.

“Ok, I don’t have a TV, so, what do you want to do?” My question was answered when he kissed me again. He was so so so loving, and touchy. I loved it. I wondered if he would be like this if we ever did date. No. No I wasn’t going to think about that. I was just going to be in the moment, and let it go. I deserved some happiness. My heart began pumping harder, and I pulled back for a second.

“What’s wrong?” He asked. My eyes wandered down to his chest.

“Your shirt isn’t off, that’s what’s wrong.” I chuckled a little.

“My apologies.” He took his shirt off and tossed it on the floor. I blinked in surprise, I didn’t think he was actually going to do it. He kissed me softly, and ran his hands up my back. I shivered, and touched his chest, wanting a little more.