Rp storie

Minicies suddenly the evil laugh fills the room again, and the voice says "I don't think so....."

Chee Roxs5022 raises eyebrow

Chee Roxs5022: want me to take em out rick?

RickHunter331698: oh good gosh Mini, sorry, but you are locked from the TARDIS as of now cutting all links with Mani here

Minicies laughs again

RickHunter331698 snaps his fingers and Mini is cut off in midst of his laughing

Minicies: I have done what I meant to do-

Minicies is cut off

RickHunter331698: there we go, see TARDIS old girl you did it again

Minicies suddenly the spider and the slug change back into a pager and a phone

RickHunter331698 chuckles and stomps on the pager and phone

Manicies Hey, my stuff!

RickHunter331698 then he starts destroying the implant on Mani's brain

RickHunter331698: Not yours his

Minicies suddenly a giant force shoves rick away from manis mind

RickHunter331698: I'll explain afterwards

RickHunter331698 just sighs and sticks his hand inside Mani's brain

Minicies the force shoves him away

Minicies "Pity.... it seems it won't last for long....."

Minicies "She was a useful pawn.... while she was mine"

Minicies the force contracts around manis mind, letting her memories leak in, but so slowly she would only remember a few seconds of her old life a day

RickHunter331698 starts accelerating the memory realization

Minicies prescence completely vanishes

Manicies memories will not leak any faster without destroying her from teh inside out

RickHunter331698 stops the acceleration

Minicies "You ARE competing against the master Drugonian, after all.."