- Created By Chel the Bell
HEY HEY it's Christmas Eve.
Tomorrow is baby Jesus' birthday celebration! WOO! And guess what?! Today I saw my bestest friend that I haven't seen in like forever! *joyjoy* It was the best part of my day. She brought me cookies and gae em a gift card for iTunes. Now I just have to make an iTunes account hurhur. I gave her a ring, and my mom gave her Hello Kitty stuff because she loves Hello Kitty. Also saw my other friend but I've seen her a bunch, so it wasn't as exciting. TOMORROW IS CHRISTMAS GUYS!! I'm so excited! I HOPE IT SNOWS TONIGHT!!! (it's all icy and wet because yesterday it had the nerve to RAIN *rages*)
Pterodactyl and Hard Salami
Haha figures the end of the day I would tell y'all about the dream I had. I don't remember much except that I was in a group with about two other people (maybe more, and they kept on changing), and we were running/fighting evil. I only really remember the end of the dream very well. LIKE IN GREAT DETAIL. It was weird and kind of scary. So we're running to get into this Library/Church thing. And like when we're running someone is like "OH NO THERE'S A PTERODACTYL!" (I must mention here that I'm not fond of silent letters, so I pronounce it p-terodactyl. And that's how it was pronounced in my dream). And at first I didn't see it,but people kept pointing the sky and worrying about the planes. And then right when I got to the library I saw it. A giant P-terodactyl flying off in the distance over a city. Destroying planes and builings,and being an overall jerk. I was terrified. It was huge. It was mean. IT WAS A FRIGGIN P-TERODACTYL!!!! I was like OH GOSH. and we ran into the library. All that happened in a very short span of time. I ran out o the library because I had to get a better look at it. It was terrifying. But breath-taking. I was in awe. Then one of the people said "OH NO THE ANDROIDS ARE BACK!" And sure enough human-killing androids from either earlier in the dream or the dream before show up. I woke up though. I didn't know how to handle P-Terodactyl and Murdering Androids. It was too much.
After that my day wasn't very interesting. I worked on my dad's Christmas present. Talked to my dad a bit about the paint for the room he's converting into a gym. Ate like FIFTY hard salami sammiches. Went to Pizza Hut and couldn't even eat a small Pizza (skills where have you gone~). Watched some TV, played some games, messed around with my dog. Boring stuff.... OH And I finished my SecretSanta gift thing... I think. Pretty sure I'm done with that.
How excited for Christmas are you guys? I'm so excited!!! I CAN'T WAIT! I really hope my crazy moods don't bring me down (down down down) on Christmas. I ALSO WISH OHIO WOULD STOP STEALING ALL MY SNOW AND IT WOULD SNOW HERE!!! Geez. I want buckets of snow. MOUNTAINS OF SNOW. I love snow~
OH GOSH GUYS! I have my final first final at 2 today. I CAN'T BELIEVE MY FIRST SEMESTER AS A COLLEGE STUDENT IS OVER! I feel old... *sadface*. I'm really nervous because it's HISTORY. Which wouldn't be so bad BUT I HAVE TO WRITE ESSAYS! D: So I'm probably going to fail... SO BAD. UGH UGH. I'll probably get a C in that class*sadface* A C GUYS! D: A B would be nice but unlikely. I'm such a fail student. AND NEXT SEMESTER I'MA PROLLY FAIL MORE. D: I need to pick a major!
In other news. IE had a heart-attack on me because something about the yahoo toolbar wasn't working so I had to boost it up to IE 9 beta. WHICH IS GROSS. Ugh I totes hate it. Like so much. But this gave me a wonderful excuse to change up my Firefox that I recently got. SO I made my Firefox look like IE and gave it an Assassin's Creed 2 persona, and NOW IT'S TOTES COOL! LOL bookmarks are lame and should just be called favourites though. The internet is not a book. Just saying.
ALSO TOMORROW I LEAVE TO GO HOME FOR A MONTH. College is so nice with it's long break. And my bro is going come get me and get my stuff so I can chill with him until my mom comes and gets me. And after we get my stuff and w/e we're going to go to this one story that's have a 25% off art supplies sale! I'M SO EXCITED!! Gonna buy me some pencils. SO MANY PENCILS~ Herp Derp I'm so excited about buying pencils. Whenever I draw I always use 2h and it's hard to get those unless you buy a pack with a bunch of other pencils. BUT THIS STORE I THINK SELLS THEM SEPARATELY!!!
So yeah. Anxious about exam excited for pencils! Off to do some last minute study. WISH ME LUCK GUYS.
Stupid dreams are stupid
No for real. They are. So like storytime~ I was back at college for my finals, but it waas like not my college, even though all the people where the same. EVER BUIDING WAS DIFFERENT AND THERE WAS A RIVER. It was like a mix between San Anton...PROFESSOR WAYTON
Well a young Professor Layton. When I draw on my computer I can't type with a keyboard because well the screen covers it up, so when I talk to my brother on IM I use doodle to say things instead of trying to type in out on the on screen keyboard. SO taking a break from a picture I was working on, I drew some things. First I drew something and was like "THIS REMINDS ME OF A PUZZLE~" then I drew a big ol' top hat and was like "What's missing?" and then I drew baby Herschel's face,and then I changed the hat to the one he has before his top hat. It's not a spoiler that he hasn't always had a top hat right? That's something one can assume... So yeah. Not spoiler. OKAY THEN HERE:
The writing says: I'm Herschwel. 'M four. I wuv widdles!
Anyway whatever wanted to share that. I LOVE PROFESSOR LAYTON GAMES~
(hurhur that tag)