- Created By Chel the Bell
I just ugh
I mean like I'm totally out of it lately. I don't know what's going on any more and it's freaking me out.
AND A HEADACHE. WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?! Ugh it hurts. And bleh it's not like "HAHAHA YOUR HEAD HURTS" it's like "Does your hurt? Are you sure? How do you know you aren't imagining it" Playing with the fact that I'm going FREAKIN' NUTS! I don't know what's real anymore...
In other news, earlier today I was drinking grape soda and I was all "Why the heck isn't grape soda more popular. It's like my second favourite kind of soda (Ginger Ale being first). I mean that stuff is FREAKING DELICIOUS. Ugh I miss Jones M.F. grape. SO DELICIOUS. Do y'all like grape soda. The only person I know who likes grape soda is my brother. My (two) friends are all like "It's gross". Is it a southern thing (I spent some of my childhood in the south), or what? I swear Orange and Grape soda are awesome. Now I want some grape soda... But I already drank a bottle today... And I'm trying to do just one bottle a day, 'cept on Friday I can have two because there's six bottles and I don't want any left when I go home on the weekend.
YEAH THAT'S about it.... Though... FFF I have to write a two page story FROM MY LIFE, by WEDNESDAY. And I have to write my other paper that I haven't been writing by then too... FFFF Screw you English
LOL I'm going to go be miserable and confused for a while.
OH GOSH GUYS! I have my final first final at 2 today. I CAN'T BELIEVE MY FIRST SEMESTER AS A COLLEGE STUDENT IS OVER! I feel old... *sadface*. I'm really nervous because it's HISTORY. Which wouldn't be so bad BUT I HAVE TO WRITE ESSAYS! D: So I'm probably going to fail... SO BAD. UGH UGH. I'll probably get a C in that class*sadface* A C GUYS! D: A B would be nice but unlikely. I'm such a fail student. AND NEXT SEMESTER I'MA PROLLY FAIL MORE. D: I need to pick a major!
In other news. IE had a heart-attack on me because something about the yahoo toolbar wasn't working so I had to boost it up to IE 9 beta. WHICH IS GROSS. Ugh I totes hate it. Like so much. But this gave me a wonderful excuse to change up my Firefox that I recently got. SO I made my Firefox look like IE and gave it an Assassin's Creed 2 persona, and NOW IT'S TOTES COOL! LOL bookmarks are lame and should just be called favourites though. The internet is not a book. Just saying.
ALSO TOMORROW I LEAVE TO GO HOME FOR A MONTH. College is so nice with it's long break. And my bro is going come get me and get my stuff so I can chill with him until my mom comes and gets me. And after we get my stuff and w/e we're going to go to this one story that's have a 25% off art supplies sale! I'M SO EXCITED!! Gonna buy me some pencils. SO MANY PENCILS~ Herp Derp I'm so excited about buying pencils. Whenever I draw I always use 2h and it's hard to get those unless you buy a pack with a bunch of other pencils. BUT THIS STORE I THINK SELLS THEM SEPARATELY!!!
So yeah. Anxious about exam excited for pencils! Off to do some last minute study. WISH ME LUCK GUYS.
That title was suppose to be whatever but I mispelled it and now it's whater, 'cause like I'm totally dehydrated yo... That's prolly not true. ------- So I'm back from San An...Tonio. I like to call it San An but I'm aaird there might ...End