- Created By Chel the Bell
School and stuff.
I think mostly just school, but whatever.
ARGH BLARGH EXAM ON THRUSDAY *SOBSOB* It's okay I can do it probably.
I saw an old classmate of mine. It was shocking. I was living WesCiv and BAM there he was. It was really shocking because I didn't think I'd ever see him. Who knews he was in a class right after mine!
I don't have sociology today because the teacher wants to have individual meetings with the students. I debated about going but decided not to because I kinda really hate talking to people one-on-one. I mean I hate talking to people in general but one-on-one is the worst. I figured I'd break down and start twitching like maniac (because when I'm really nervous my face spasms. It's completely embarrassing. That's what I get for forcing the rest ofmy body not to shake though. *sobsob*). BUT THAT'S OKAY! Because we were only going to talk about our research papers (which I didn't even have a topic too), and instead of going to the meeting and brainstormed and came up with a topic. But I skipped a step ad asked a question and now I dun know what establishing a phenomenom is.... PFFT GUYS I'M REALLY BAD AT DOING RESEARCH PAPERS. Actually, I'm so incredibly bad I'm actually good. Because the last research paper I wrote, I waited until like a couple of days before it was due or something, and spit out pure genius. Or something. LOL I got a good grade on it and that's all that matters. But yeah. The topic I choose is families. The question I ask is "How do differenttypes of families effect society?" the hard part is getting any information on it. Stupid databases are stupid. Iwant to use yahoo, but we have to use "scholarly sources" and you know yahoo justlikes to give you wikipedia (Like the opposite of scholarly). So I can't find what I want. I like the book because it's better much tells me the things I want to know, but I need like 2/5 (IDK which it is) sources, and the book is only one. Databases are stupid. *pouts*
So now I'm waiting until like 11:10 to go to german, because stupid teacher had to cancel class so my schedule is all ruined. But it'sfine. whatever. I get to chill here instead of trying to keep from daydreaming in class. Gosh I probably have like ADD or something because I have completely lost my ability to pay attention. But Anyway, German. I love german you guys, I just can't pronounce like any of the words *sobsob* But I like understand it for the most part. OH GOSH GUYS I DON'T REMEMBER NUMBERS. Like especially things after like 10. PFFT IT'S SO HAD TO DO BIG NUMBERS. But I've never been good with large numbers. PFFT I can only remember like 20 and 30 in spanish. and like 90, because it was easy. I think 90 in german is neunzig. AND THAT'S ANOTHER THING! G is like some sorta gsch sound, and they pronounce like ever letter. And I'm like the e is totally silent and then BAH IT ISN'T. And I'm like *sobsob* I don't understand. So I think that's why pronounciation is hard for me. Also it's really rough and like thoarty so I'm not good at that either. SHOULD JUST TAKE FRENCH~! I could pronounce the heck out of some french maybe. PFFT I think I'm going to major in german. Have I told you my dream? It's to dual-major in German and French and minor in Russian and Japanese. PFFT I really just want to learn Russian because I'm secretly obsessed with it and Russians are totes cool for being dirty commies (LOL). But like Japanese could be useful, and I really want to learn just languages because I LOVE THEM. Srsly for someone who hates talking, my favourite subject shouldn't be a language gotta-talk-all-the-time class. BUT IT IS~ Did I tell you guys got a 100% on my German exam?! I was so happy about it. I thought I missed like a bunch, but I didn't. So yeah. That's about it.
My mom bought me Milano cookies which are delicious. But sh got the Milk chocolate kind. She was all "LOOK WHAT I BOUGHT YOU?!" and I was like "THANKS! BUT I LIKE THE MINT ONES BETTER!" and then she was all *disappointed face* and I all *guiltyguilty* "IT'S OKAY ILIKE THESE TOO, BUT MINT ARE BETTER". PFFT I totally don't know how to handle those situations. But if she buys me more I want her to know I like the mint ones. THE MINT ONES~ She also bought puffcorn but only gave me a small baggy. GOSH GUYS THOSE STYRFORM PACKING PEANUTS FLAVOURED LIKE POPCORN AND MELT IN YOUR MOUTH ARE DELCIOUS! have you guys every had Puffcorn? It's a cheetoes product and it's like srsly one of the most delicious things ever. Myfamily is obsessed with them. BECAUSE THE ARE COMPLETELY NOM. Like my mom buys like two bags and they don't last a day.
So yeah that's about it. I still have tons of time to waste.... I should like study or something... but w/e.