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be anglious

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be belovid

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teratakahashivampire knight [a vampire knight fan sight

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the gentlemen's alliance cross fan sight

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A.M.V. ADDICTION!![my world where i and guest posters post amvs!!!

i wish

some times i wana be more than human so i can help ppl so i can save them but how can i do something like that i cant even help my self...
this is the random thots that i think of my self
ow how would life be better if i could cure ppl of their problems
mabe in helping them i would help my self
even thow selfishly some times i do not feel happy even thow nothing is difrent,nothing is wrong
mabe i have depreson
i wish i could stop feeling sory for my self XD
i wish that i was the type who lost it!! you know just blew up at every thing that made them angry every littel unjustification in this worldmeen if they look like morons.... but no...i wish i didint fear so much
lol stupid jonas brother almost made me cry!!! i dont realy like the band [supper skiny pants suck on men!!!!!]but the ending song and every thing to camp rock lol it reminded me alot of my self [me and my friend were waching it making fun of the stupid things that they did ]["and omg!!! did i mention that my dad wont shut up!!! god!!!! ever time !!!if only i would pay all the mony inthe world to get him to be quit mabe thats how my hell is like....]
lol my friend came back today !!!i was happy to see hwer but eh...i cant feel to help but to feel like i got seconds [tif lol you love so much XD]im kinda jelous of how you guys are .... i mean you are so much alike and yet so difrent ...[and still he is talking [my dad]]
oh yess i wanted to post this alllllll dayyyyyyyyyyy
[...i didnt know ppl could be this stupid and sellfish sober....[my dad ]but today is not about that !!!!i have my whole life to complain.]

so yah.....
[my voic is going out T.T]
i just wanted to tell jeremy[sory if i did int spell your name right lol]
Xaos!!!! happpy burthday ^^
what can i say im so great full i have met you,you are one of my oldest friends on this sight i am happy that day that i saww your avi for like the trilanth time and disided to sign your guest book![lol i think i saw you on ryo sight XD]
your honest and kind and you can be crasy at times too!!!!
so yah happy birthday again but when you read this it might not be alredy so i will give you late birthday hits ^^
hope to get your present up soon ^^
