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be anglious

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be belovid

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teratakahashivampire knight [a vampire knight fan sight

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the gentlemen's alliance cross fan sight

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A.M.V. ADDICTION!![my world where i and guest posters post amvs!!!


musick ..none
its happend again
i lost my binder ...*sigh* again !
thows of you who have known me for a while know that i have lost my binder time and time again....
but its no ordianiry binder no,,,it has to be the binder that i keep all my drawings that took months and blood to make [for one of them litteraly XD[]!!!
so very mad....
considering the fact that it was in the living room two days ago!!!
i seriously think some one is playing a joke cause its geting old....
adn just when i was geting in a mod to continue my manga i tells you!!!
so sad but oddly inspired
fortunately for me i had already uploaded all my manga on the the computer so nothing was realy lost [except for my art works and my drafts of an awesome sword...]

yesterday i got sent home urly from work [because i could ...]and when to sleep urly [like 940 posibly]
[and whent to sleep around 11*stayed up looking for binder*]
well thats urly for me
and now i feal refreshed!!!
omg i havent felt this way for a long time!!! im always so sleepy at school it is a blessing to be able to sleep in!{bliss}

and i got haloween off!!
oh yah this week i got acused of runing off alot of flyers for a halloween party in the ofice i was like 0.0!
first of all i was set up to the t!
mybirthday is soon
im a teachers asistant for that period
im [what they say] the onlyone who makes copys!
latter on that day the teacher say me making copys [for another teacher which she didnt know]
and my teacher told me before that the principal was going to call me up for it so i could clear my name [she new im inocent im not the kind of person to do thows things^.^]

well when the principal called me up [6period 4periods latter]
he made me wait in his office for a long time![man i was misssing alot on a class i dont do my work on xD[sence i dont need it][
and he calles me in to his office and he pulls out the flyer
"does this look familiar?"he says
me:" i didnt do it!"[almost yelling]
ofcores i'v never seen it before but i know what it is so if i say i dont it be a lie....and i dont lie
so he stares at me humore off his face
me:"im serious"

so yah this week was fun other than that and i got to laff about it latter when the next class came he just sent me to class and didnt here from it again*shrugs*


long but peals read ^^

i dont know why but this is actualy the first time iv wanted to post in a long time mabe im feeling better...

iv been having some weird thots lately like....i dont know yesterday i was thinking it would be cool if i had a scar going trough diaganaly through the palm of my hand i dont know why i was thinking this but[anyway isant that what tatu's are for?] then it lead me to think that if some one asked me how i got it some one would aske me and i would reply "o i just thot it would look cool so i cut my self" i bet their reaction would be 0.0...not that i care about reactions lol
i guess what intersted me would be the story and well howmany ppl do you see with scars in their lol then i was thinking about geting at tatue in the side of my neck but it's most likely not going to happen semce im 16 lol

hope that didnt freack you guys out
.....................moving on.......................
lately iv been making more and more threats to this guy at work cause he continues to piss the hell out of me and i do admit that it is fun at some points but the other part it because i cant stand liers!

first of all the pretends he likes my freind and acts like hes going out with her wich makes her think that he is going out with her [but get this he asked her out so tecknocly their not ]wich makes him think that he has the right to flirt with girls to her face!he was flirting with another one of my freins and she said that he tryed to kiss her [shes five fricken years older than him!]so she was like thats sad man and left and she told me that he told her that he grabed my freinds ass[the one that he is deciving][sory for that lol] and my other freind asked him y and he said because she lets him .and its not like that its this whole deciving and also shes the shy type! if i ever see him do that i'll slapp that sh... out of him! hes alredy scared of me
..................................on a lighter note ..........................
i have submitted three pages to soul ryuki and three pages to ruyukai2 healiose!!! so pleas check them out !!!
and http://www.theotaku.com/fancomics/view/4687/soulryuki
