be anglious
be belovid
teratakahashivampire knight [a vampire knight fan sight
the gentlemen's alliance cross fan sight
A.M.V. ADDICTION!![my world where i and guest posters post amvs!!!
be anglious
be belovid
teratakahashivampire knight [a vampire knight fan sight
the gentlemen's alliance cross fan sight
A.M.V. ADDICTION!![my world where i and guest posters post amvs!!!
*shoots self*
yep im going to deleat most of my comic!
man the hardest parts of writhing a story has to be the introduction!!!!
some days before i was drawing a few new pages to my manga Soulryuki and i realised ...i hit a dead end!!!
not because of writers blocks,no.
but because my story lines have alot of due dates
like their are alot of things i have to cover in the first chapter to show a comprason and a change...and bye the second chapter it would be to late
[i have to cover yumi's human side because at the end of the chapter she is no longer human....]then their is the problem if the build up is too long!
and then i have to make my story make sense XD
i have to keep reminding my self that not every one has the background information that i do on my story !!!!
and last but not least i have to make sher my charecters personality's are being viewed in the way that they are ment too.
so im over here ramind my story in to a wall!!!!
* gets peice of paper and crumbels it *
this is y my comicks never get finished lol
tip: wright your whole manga[well like the whole novel for every novel] out before you draw it !!!you never know when you run it in to a dead end