be anglious
be belovid
teratakahashivampire knight [a vampire knight fan sight
the gentlemen's alliance cross fan sight
A.M.V. ADDICTION!![my world where i and guest posters post amvs!!!
be anglious
be belovid
teratakahashivampire knight [a vampire knight fan sight
the gentlemen's alliance cross fan sight
A.M.V. ADDICTION!![my world where i and guest posters post amvs!!!
in ongoing time we ferget our selves
the things we did: the things we said
hoping never to return to those flaws that scared us
wishing to become what we couldint
speacking of untangeble goals; dreaming of unwakeable dreams
those close doors will never open
so we try to ferget that wich is unspoken
but fergeting was the flaw as one recalled and sung
as of nothing, became a word
wich echoed to from the concreat world
"Never ferget your self" it said
" your only demise is loosing those dreams you hold dear"
" your locks: destroyed. the doors shall open"
" dont close your eyes just keep fighting"
" and some day you will reach for what you were climing"
randome XD
im not very good at poem making so yah...
nothing has realy happend todya
here is my to do list
to-do list
i no real order
art trades/ closed
request/ closed
contest/dear me if i enter another contest i will not make any dead lines
i still have to make the secret santa for ++++++ XD not telling
avrice's request 0%[is still in sketching phases
mewmew bday gifet0% [wow i need to get working but so tyered}
trinity light bday gift 0% sorry havent started that yet....
contest entrys
emotion contest 40% done
zelda comedy contest 0%
late contest entry to funination 0%
leona drawing for ikaki wariors gallery 0%
contest prizes
contest prizes : L for full mettal chease 60% done and
contest prize 2 for fulll metal cheaese 60% done
other rsr's prises 30%
dafeather's ed drawing 0%
.....................not telling what this is but it 0% done
so far.....
other things that are done
kie love lock 100%
shai'a randome pick 100%
randome gift for zero guaridan[2]
hrm...what else?
well idk...
* scraches head*
my brain hurts
if im missing anything please tell me!
guess i have no time to waste