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be anglious

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be belovid

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teratakahashivampire knight [a vampire knight fan sight

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the gentlemen's alliance cross fan sight

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A.M.V. ADDICTION!![my world where i and guest posters post amvs!!!

whats up america!!!!

XD randome ness
that is all
mood: meh idk im lissening to musick [all thought drouwn out ] woo musick abuse !!!
lisening to : evens blue :possesion, yay another good song from this band
eating : hot cheatose [loves spicy food]
thinking: about art actualy im thinking what to name every thing [abstract work woo!
doing?: surching for versailles picks and finding alot of fancy katheadral picturs !! prity and gold!!!
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woot they added me on myspace too ^^ ...but i think they add anyone T.T and regreting i didnt see them at a-kon [so mad T.T]
...long though ^^;

sory i havent been on in fore ever i will start geting on more though !!! [i will try anyway]
not much has happend latly except for the fact that iv had akward moments [self infilcted realy] art hs been going great when i actualy get to make more that is... our teacher has got us taking friken nots i wana get straight to the porfolio stuff alredy!!!
today alot of ppl wernt at school and i found out that one of my freinds got suspended for skipping at first i was like oh noes!!! but latter i was like eh its only good for him [lern his lesson i supose]
im realy woryed about him though he used to not skip so much T.T
i love this song !!!
warning their is a littel bit nudity twards the middel [i think]
