Hello all, and welcome to a world filled with legendary samurai, brave knights, and spying ninjas! Enjoy~


Other Sites You Can Find Me On

Gaia Online
Rika Tsutsui


Gaming Youtube Friend Channel



Not Active here-Go to deviantART

I realize I've been gone for a long time and haven't posted anything. I'm a LOT more active on my dA page, so if you want to check it out and watch me there, you'll be seeing more activity.

I'm no longer uploading any more art here.

Not Active here-Go to deviantART

I realize I've been gone for a long time and haven't posted anything. I'm a LOT more active on my dA page, so if you want to check it out and watch me there, you'll be seeing more activity.

I'm no longer uploading any more art here.

Catch Me On...

Tumblr, since I'm not on here anymore, and I only really go on when I'm super bored to check on updates.

If you don't have a Tumblr then there's always deviantART, which is where I've been posting my new art since I left theOtaku.

Contest Time!

I'm holding a contest on my DeviantART http://chippewaokami.deviantart.com/#/d5sjmmg

No Longer Submitting

I am no longer going to be submitting art to theOtaku, unless there is a certain contest out that I want to partake in. I am instead going to be submitting all of my art now to DeviantART.

I will still log into theOtaku daily to look and fav other peoples art of course. So if anyone needs me, I shall be on deviantART!~
