Hello all, and welcome to a world filled with legendary samurai, brave knights, and spying ninjas! Enjoy~


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Sports Ahoy

Ok, so I am going into Cross-country next year. Ive never been in any school sport, so it'll be weird. But Im excited to join, I like to run, so why not? Besides, Im a little bent outta shape. Of course, just because Ive never been in a school sport doesnt mean that I dont like sports. The sports I like would be: tennis, cross-country(yay non-competitive-ish running), badmitton, soccer, volleyball(though I suck at it, mainly because I dont try too hard), hockey, and maybe one or two more that I am forgetting at the moment.

Im not the only new one going into cross-country next year, so is my best friend Katty Shouto and a few other freshmen, and of course a few of the boys too. Katty is the one who first said she was going to go into C-C(my little abbreviation) and so she said that I should join too, cause it would be good for college thingermajigers and whatnot. I told her maybe, that I would think about it, but already I was going for a yes. xD So over this 2011 summer me and her are going to try to get together and run around town, getting ourselves ready for it. So yeah, that is the whole story on that, and now Im feeling in a rather sporty mood, so contribute to that, I will post(as always) pictures of some sport animes/mangas. Edit: I ended up deleting the pictures from my source, so I lied, no pics xD
