Hello all, and welcome to a world filled with legendary samurai, brave knights, and spying ninjas! Enjoy~


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Rika Tsutsui


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Good 'Ol Groosey Groose

We all know him yes, that strange and at first, rival to Link, GROOSE!
During the first part of the game he steals our poor Crimson Loftwing and pens it in a cave, which makes us think of him as a not so good kind of person. But later on, he becomes less annoying to us and starts helping out a bit. He even goes out of his way to name the Faron Woods the Grooseland. How dashing. And then with his creation of the wunderbar Groosenator, he's a great help for fighting the Imprisoned.

Im sure you've all heard it, and perhaps like me, youve even danced along to it when you hear it, Grooses theme!

I dont know about you, but if I were a trombone/baritone player, I would be playing this everyday in band! Course Im sure it can be played almost as wonderfully on a clarinet, but it wouldnt have that....that...well, you know what Im talking about, that Groosey feeling to it.Though I say, I do love those little clarinet trilley parts in there, makes me want to play them myself had I known which notes they are I love this song so much, I only wish it were longer, thankfully there is a such thing as YouTube repeat, so that I may dance along to all the Groose-ness as long as I want. Enjoy~

Legend of Zelda

Forget about being in a FF mood, now Im all about zelda! So what is my favorite Legend of Zelda song you ask? Why, its none other than..........

Yep, DEKU PALACE THEME!!!! Its my all-time happy sounding LoZ song. The majora's mask still scares me though(its like its trying to stare into your very SOUL!!!!) But anyways, I still love the MM soundtrack XD
