First tag! YaY

I was tagged by Hanawa! I've never done this, so correct me if I am wrong, but I guess you are spossed ta do this in your world and answer the questions. Well, here goes.

1.Ready to do this?
Of course

1.Food: Cheezburgers!!!
2.Music: Japanese musics, anything from traditional to electro!
3.Time of day: Night
4.Color: Blue, black, and purple
5.Movie: At the moment, Avatar:The Last Airbender anime!
6.Book: Too many to name.
7.Place: My room, its my personal and comfy space
8.Person: My aunts
9.Ice Cream Flavor: Mackinak Island Fudge

1.Are You Happy?: If by content you mean happy, then yes
2.Are You Sad?: NEVER!!!
3.Are You Hungry?: Nope, just ate
4.Are You Sleepy?: *yawn* Does that answer your question?
5.Are You Yearning For Something?: Ideas for drawing

1.Eye Color: Green/Blue
2.Hair Color: Medium brown
3.Age: Right now, 15
4.Height: Around 5'5
5.Skin Tone: White, is that an answer?
6.Hair Lenght: Shoulder length

1.Eating: Nuthin except the air
2.Drinking: Nothing
3.Listening to: Sayonara Sayonara by Kick the Can Crew
4.About to: Create an Avatar card
5.Thinking About: How much I love Sayonara Sayonara
6.Doing: Typing this up
7.Reading: This tag

I feel that......I need to finish redrawing Shushuya
My biggest secret is....something that only my bestest friend would know
I fear break will end too soon
I cant great youtuberepeat is
No one biggest secret

Apparrently after these I hafta tag five peoples, so I shall tag these guys:

Katty Shouto
Hana Porumita
Sera Porumita
