Hello all, and welcome to a world filled with legendary samurai, brave knights, and spying ninjas! Enjoy~


Other Sites You Can Find Me On

Gaia Online
Rika Tsutsui


Gaming Youtube Friend Channel



Not Active here-Go to deviantART

I realize I've been gone for a long time and haven't posted anything. I'm a LOT more active on my dA page, so if you want to check it out and watch me there, you'll be seeing more activity.

I'm no longer uploading any more art here.

Anime Milwaukee 2014

Ay all! I'm back!...kind of..?

I sort of abandoned theOtaku a few months [or like a year even?] because I got bored of it and its community, since I had found what I had thought to be a better one, which was deviantART.

I decided to try and get back to regular-ing on here again like the old days and stuff. My art has much improved since the last things I posted on here [seriously, I used to go back here from dA and laugh at my art, hah, its still pretty funny the improvement] so hopefully I'll get some new viewers [wait I forget what their called on theOtaku; oh yeah, subscribers (I have to get used to this place again)] and likes and stuff.

Since I've been gone, I'm in college now, so I actually haven't been drawing as much as I used to in my high school years. I've also been gaming A LOT. Me and my irl friend started a Youtubing channel [its under her alias though, I just work as a manager] for gaming and stuff and its going pretty alright. I'll add the link to it in this world.

Also, I'm going to yet another anime convention in two weeks, as the title states. If any of you are going there, drop by me [I'm probably gonna just be Masamune Date from Sengoku Basara the whole time cause I never finished any of my other cosplays I planned] and say hi! I might not say much at first but...yeah!

Lastly, I will probably still update dA much more regularly than theO, so remember, you can watch me there too, or even Tumblr~

Catch Me On...

Tumblr, since I'm not on here anymore, and I only really go on when I'm super bored to check on updates.

If you don't have a Tumblr then there's always deviantART, which is where I've been posting my new art since I left theOtaku.

NoBrandCon 2013

Hello all!

So I know I havent been on very much, in fact, this was the first time I logged in in a while. I just want to say thank you to all of you friends and subscribers who wished me a happy birthday! I had a good party, with pizza and all~

Lately I've been rather busy, working out things for college [I'm graduating High School this year] along with hanging with friends, working on a cosplay, and going to anime conventions.

Since about November or December, I've began working on my Masamune Date from Sengoku Basara cosplay, made entirely by hand. I finally finished it during Spring Break from April 1-7th.

All of the armor is made out of either cereal box or regular box cardboard, then spray painted. The jacket is made entirely by hand; used fabric, cut out the pattern, sew'd it, then added the white and all. The wig and eye patch were bought. Gloves were bought from Walmart then modified. Black undershirt, leggings, sandals, and blue socks were also bought. All 6 swords were bought online at Party City, then I modified them to make them more Masamune-ish.

I took the costume to NoBrandCon, which is in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, April 14th. Along with my friends, we had Okami Shiranui and John Egbert. Since we went on the last day of the convention, there weren't many cosplayers, or even fans, who knew us too well. Shiranui got the most notice, who was a fur suit.

This was my first anime convention that I ever went to, and I must say, I had a really good time. Even though the con was small, I really enjoyed being with my fellow peeps and buying ALL teh things. I had a lot of money to spend, but I only spent $70 of it. Of all the plushes, stickers, and keychains, I bought; A Skele-kitten t-shirt, Akita mug and cell phone charm from SorbetJungle, a Chopper plush, and a One Piece wall scroll. There were so many things I wanted, I didnt know what to get first xD

Check out my dA http://chippewaokami.deviantart.com/ cosplay and favorites or more photos of our adventure.

The next con me and my friends plan on attending is Wasaubi Con and AniMinneapolis. If any of you are gonna be there, watch out for the Masamune and say hi, and maybe even have a photo with me. See you there~

Contest Time!

I'm holding a contest on my DeviantART http://chippewaokami.deviantart.com/#/d5sjmmg