Oh my, Im tagged? XD

Yay another tag. I havent done these in a while, so I may be a little rusty on answering these questions *cracks keyboarding knuckles* I was tagged by MangaKid, so letsa go~

1. You must post these rules.
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this." You legitimately have to tag 11 people.

Questions for the tagged (me :D):

~Favorite Manga/anime ever?
Definetly Naruto and Naruto Shippude. Without it, I would have never known anime/manga *O*

~Do you have any pets?
Unfortunately at this time I have none v.v

~Any sports or other hobbies you like besides art and manga?
Cross-country running (FOR THE WIN!) drawing, painting (that counts as art, but I'll put it in anyways) writing, listening to music, band, tennis, badmitton, soccer

~What types of clothing do you like to wear?
I like things that are comfy and fashionable.

~Favorite manga/anime character(s)?
Hideki and Chii (Chobits); pretty much everyone from Naruto xD; Sokka and Zuko (Last Airbender, yes, I still consider it anime though some disagree) and too many more to list here :3

~One or two words that describe you the best?
Shy and artistic ;D

~Favorite food?
I kan haz cheezburger? *gives lolcat face*

~Pet peeve, what annoys you the most?
Hm...I have to really think about this one, because not many things annoy me. How about when your IcyHot pack wont stay hot and you have to keep microwaving it? >:D

~What do you love the most?
My friends, family, and just living I guess (I'm so lame at these T_T)

~What are you most scared of? Do you fear anything?
*says in high squeeky voice* SPIDERS!
Just kidding xD There are a few things that scare me Im sure, I just cant think of them at the moment, but I dont fear death :3

~What season do you like the most?
SUMMER! Its warm, its hot, and best of all, schools out!

People I tagged:
~Sera Porumita
~Hana Porumita
~Katty Shouto
~ichigo inuzuka

My questions that you people above must answer:

~Favorite color(s)?
~What are some anime/manga that you like?
~Do you prefer digital art or handrawn?
~Play any sports? If so, what kind?
~Are you musically talented?
~Do you have any siblings?
~Where is one place you would love to visit someday?
~Would you like to learn another language or two, or perhaps even three? And which kinds would they be?
~Board games or video games? What games do you like to play for either?
~Do you own any pets of any kind?
~What do you like the most about theOtaku?
Just copy the rules, my questions, and type out the list of the 11 people you've tagged and put them into a post on your world, titled "Oh my, I've been tagged? XD"
