Wonderful 3DS Playthrough

Greetings ol chaps of theOtaku. What? W-why am I talking like this you ask? Well, its none other than because Ive been watching this extremely jolly 3DS Playthrough by GameChap on YouTube. Now I know that I do not have in my possession a 3DS nor OoT, but one might say Im watching this to ready myself for all the cads to come when I do acquire a 3DS which will most hopefully be at my birthday.

In watching this extremely delightful playthrough, I have seen the OoT 3DS, and might I say its very well re-done version of the original, good deal those Nintendo has done. And now let us get right down to the point. Here my good chaps is the first video in GameChaps jolly walkthrough, in good detail and jolly good commentary. I hope you shall watch it as I have I am currently on part 46 of the walkthrough, good stuff it is or use it in help for when you are playing your own OoT 3DS game. Pip pip toodle doo and all that~
