Natsu Yasumi!~

Im so exicted for summer vacation. Im going to Casco, MI, near Detroit with my grandma to see my aunts/cousins there. Ive been there about like, 4 times before, but it seems to get funner everytime. I get to go to a few graduation parties and stuff right away when I get down there. And we'll do the usual too, go to the 3 day Jehovah conference thingy [they're Jehovah Witnessess and so we always have to do their teaching things while there (one of the two downsides of going there)] and stay for 5 days near there. Plus while there I get to go to the zoo and a museum. And later in August we take their annual Cedar Point trip <3

I leave around the 5th or 6th of June, so I dont have much time left. Though Ive been feeling really busy lately because of school stuff. Tomorow I have to go clean up stuff from the John Jarvi Race for NHS. The day after I play for graduation. Memorial day I march in the parade (I hope it rains like the weather forcast says it will so we dont have to march). Im also kind of freaking out because I still have one more final project to complete [my previous projects I had to do were a PowerPoint for Econ and a PowerPoint for computers, both which I finished with time to spare, so I dont know why I was worrying about those]. The project is in art class and we have to paint a picture with a quote that shows ourselves. Im painting L with the quote "No matter how gifted, you alone cannot change the world~L"

It sucks because I had to miss a day of painting because our teacher didnt have enough white/black paint that day. Its come along nice since then though, and all I have left to do is color L's skin, paint swirly black things, and paint the quote. I have to do this all in one day on Tuesday -3- Our official last regular day of school [for high schoolers, since Wednesday is exam day for me]. I have a feeling Im not going to finish it. And I was going to take it home today, but it wouldnt fit in my locker so I couldnt put it in there after art class, and the teacher locked her door after school so I couldnt get it, and when I asked our principle about unlocking it she said to look for a custodian and I just didnt even bother xD

However I did buy my own black/white/peach paints all for myself, since our teacher isnt good about keeping an adequete amount of it. Plus I bought my own paint brushes, which wouldve come in handy a while ago when we first started painting, but oh well. I am all set for Tuesday's painting, and if I dont finish in class I dont care how many classes I have to skip I WILL finish it that day >D

But on a side note, so glad TOONAMI'S coming back tomorow! It makes my Korra day even better :3
