Introductory Piece:


Hello, fellow entities! My name's Sane Restriction, but I don't really want to be called Sane Restriction anymore. But, I mean... I can't change it, can I? If I can, I certainly will....

Well, anyway, yeah, I'm Sane Restriction on theOtaku, but my name's Shinkiro, if you care.

Since this is, like, an introduction and all that formal jazz, allow me to introduce myself further. I am a volatile (extremely and excessively volatile), cynical, impatient, opinionated, extroverted, audiophilic loner who is easily distracted, loves the thrill of danger, and aspires to learn 8 languages (currently working on Japanese, Korean, French, and English, and progressing steadily).

I came across theOtaku purely incidentally. And, to be honest, I am not sure I am what you can consider an Otaku. My access to anime is limited (my only source is YouTube), and that of manga even moreso. But of what I have seen, I find an interest.

So far, of animes, I have seen most or part of (I do have a tendency to not finish animes, for some reason):

Code Geass (R1) <-- watched up until a few episodes after Euphie dies
Baccano! <-- This one I actually did finish...
Durarara! <-- only watched 1st episode, but I know the general plot (including ending)
Death Note <-- watched a good amount of episodes, but never finished
Trinity Blood <-- watched first couple episodes, I think, interested in watching more
Love Complex <-- watched first couple episodes
K-On <-- watched first couple episodes
Kaichou wa Maid-Sama <-- watched most of the episodes (not necessarily in order)
Ouran High School Host Club <-- watched most of the episodes (not necessarily in order)
Full Metal Alchemist <-- watched first episode
Hellsing <-- watched first episode, interested in watching more
Darker Than Black <-- watched first episode, interested in watching more
Black Butler <-- I finished this one, too...
Black Butler II <-- And this one.
Bleach <-- watched half of first episode, never want to watch again
K <-- watched first episode, interested in watching more
Soul Eater <-- watched first couple of episodes, I think
Hikaru no Go <-- I finished the first season, and I've seen part of the second season
Last Exile <-- I saw a few scattered clips
Tokyo Ghoul <-- I recently started, have not finished (and I love it)

And of mangas, only Fullmetal Alchemist (21, 22), The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (1,2), Summer Wars (1,2), and Yotsuba& (1-12).

I am more interested in the art of anime/manga than the stories, to be honest, and will usually drop out of watching/reading one if I don't find the art style pleasing, no matter how many recommendations I may receive.

I am also interested in music, poetry, fashion/interior design, game design, algebra, prehistoric life forms, serial killers, types of phobias, genetic disorders, various diseases, European history, law and morality, politics, steampunk, street art, graffiti, psychology, philosophy, stuffed animals, slang, contemporary art, and foreign language.

I wallow in my eccentricity.

Personality (my ranting)

Aw'right. Ima be honest, sometimes I think I have ADHD. I don't, but I ought to. The reason for this is that I am very, very, very easily distracted. I also have the tendency to not only go off topic, but go off topic and rant. ...

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