Aha! LOTR quote! :D awesome! Sometimes I do that with quotes, or songs, certain words just bring them to mind, even when what i'm reading has nothing to do with what I associate with the quote XD
Yeah, I just saw this and it made me feel a little more hopeful. Thanks for watching ^^
Why the first association to me when I read "Strangers" was the quote: "Strangers from the distant land, you were summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle Earth is one the brink of..." And so on. XD
Anyways, I liked this video.^^ It is very nice and optimistic and it shows that just as bad things can easily spread around people (especially younger population) good things can as well and they can beat the bad things that have occurred before. :)
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/31/12 | Reply
@twilight samurai:
I am indeedy :D
I'm glad you liked it. Sometimes I just get the urge to share things like that when they move me.
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/31/12 | Reply
Aha! LOTR quote! :D awesome! Sometimes I do that with quotes, or songs, certain words just bring them to mind, even when what i'm reading has nothing to do with what I associate with the quote XD
Yeah, I just saw this and it made me feel a little more hopeful. Thanks for watching ^^
twilight samurai
Redeemed (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/30/12 | Reply
I really like this video! Are you a Christian as well? Thanks for sharing this video with us. :)
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/30/12 | Reply
Why the first association to me when I read "Strangers" was the quote: "Strangers from the distant land, you were summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle Earth is one the brink of..." And so on. XD
Anyways, I liked this video.^^ It is very nice and optimistic and it shows that just as bad things can easily spread around people (especially younger population) good things can as well and they can beat the bad things that have occurred before. :)