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This is basically a place I'll share my thoughts on anything; and also where I'll post memes.
So, if you're looking to hear my opinion on things, you've come to the right place!

“The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.”
--Walt Disney

[[brushes (c) respective owners]]

...A Musical?...

K, I've known about this for quite awhile, and I've downloaded some of the songs already (because I love them ;w;), but I don't post too often and thought I needed to.

The 1st and 2nd parts of the Kuroshitsuji musical have been fansubbed on Youtube! I already knew the songs were, but just recently I found the musical itself has been. Here's the first part:

The 2nd part is on the related videos list, so you can just look there. I love Yuya Matsushita (who is Sebastian in the musical)'s voice. He's a singer too, so if you want to hear some of his other singing you can search him on Youtube. :D
