Secrets Bane - Chapter 2 - Lost Civilization

Chapter 2 – The lost civilization

The ground was cloaked with haze, congregating over his body. Sky lit with fragments of light, striking the earth. Colours flourished around him, the luscious green of the plants covered his sights and the golden sun sprayed into his eyes. The air was thick with blood, the stench of death held in the air from the bodies of wasted potential. Thoughts crept into his mind as he regained consciousness, visions circling his mind.
His heart pounded in his chest, his whole body weak in agony. He felt the searing pain flare up his arm with every heartbeat. His eyes sore in the sunlight, scorned by the sight of the men lying only feet away from him. The men that he had fought to save were dying, those that trusted him. He cursed under his breath, enraged at the injustice of cruel slaughtering.
Rising to his feet, he scans his surroundings; animals scurry on with their lives, finding tranquillity in basking in the sun. Water gushed through rocks in a small brook, shining as it passing along. The sound of birding shuffling in the trees plays around, catching his attention.
He gazed up in wonder of the majestic hawk, circling overhead, awe sprawled over his face. His attention was broken by the sound of a deep voice escalating through the air. “Its surreal, is it not.” The words murmured across to him. “Your life trapped by a lock of fate, the word of the unknown. You still trust her?” A long pause proceeded. “With my life…” His brother stood stunned, taken aback by his words. “Haven’t you seen what’s gone on here, how can you trust the person that brought death upon us.” He stood, irate. “I had to seek salvation, we couldn’t just lay dormant and let the innocent perish under false lies.”
The siblings stood eye to eye against one another, their stare held strong. The calm world brought hatred between the closest of men. His eyes began to shift towards the sky, peering up at the bird. “She knows the truth, she knows that what cannot be found must be found. I know she is right.” Breaking the stare, his brother turned to look upon the landscape. “This world controls us, even those that say they have won the fight of man against beast. She knows far too much…” The man brought a piece of paper from his pocket. The piece of paper twisted and turned in the wind.
Inked onto the piece of paper was a crest, the crest of the rebels. The figure of a man holding the earth in one hand and a sword in the other. His brothers eyes were full with wisdom yet foolish desire. “Now we go to find what cannot be found.”
Glancing upon the chalky horizon, he spoke for a final time. “To find what cannot be found and unlock the meaning to save creation, those with the power over life and death control the fate of man.”
The men stood firmly along side one another, faces fixed on the glowing lamp hung in the sky. Tree stretched out, rolled out on a green isolated land, watched by the towers of the mountains looming downs upon the earth.
The village around them was small in contrast to the vast city they originated from. The entire village was deserted but no signs of destruction or resistance. An eerie silence penetrated the men, thoughts jumping into their heads of what could have happened.