Traditional Artist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/31/13 | Reply
hehe this is very interesting^^ There is a very easier way to find out if a guy likes you..Or thou some are just as shy and may or sometimes deny it..Well the easier way to build up some guts walks to him and ask him straight, after you told him that you like him..
All those 10 things you said is pretty helful but you will be wasting so much time on that, that he may lose interest but I have to agree sometimes a little effort is not a bad thing...I know it's not easy to be straight forward on your feelings but what is the worst that could happen? he definitly wont slap you..He can just say yes or no..
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
LOLZ!!!! Stop it! XD Hahahaa! You are just so awesome and sweeeeet!!! *huggles* I'm so glad that you are back on theO and we can renew our friendship like this, teehee!!! ^_^
WOAH WOAH!!! Amazing story there! I LOVE hearing magical love stories like that, its just so cool!! *U* THAT makes me feel better too... cuz sometimes I just feel bad for bothering that guy I like, and the fact that I randomly emailed him made me embarrassed after a while >3< But you just never know right? So we have to do whatever we can!! I'm really happy for that friend of yours though, that is just awesome!!!!! *cheers*
So true... Man you're like a little angel sent to help me!!! ^_^ I hope I can help and encourage u too :D I will definitely stop worrying about it and not get discouraged. I wish I had talked to u during the summer when I was an emotional break-down inside myself because of this =_= So I'll just do my best next time and believe for the best^^
AWWWWW *hugs* You're right girl!!! Keep trying and I'll be praying for you lots <3 LOL I know right?! It just seems like a story-book romance for both of us^^ and lets hope they have good endings! I'm so sorry that the guy turned u down though... I tell u, he's missing out right now!! So keep working hard and I will too!!! *brofist, or SISFIST* xD OH YES YES!! Let's keep encouraging each other!! I will always be here to talk if u need, and I know ur here for me too... You've already done a lot to help me ^////^
Yay, Star-chan!!! ^_^ LOL I love that nickname!! No one has called me that before, so its awesome that its unique between us! <3 Love u girl! :)
OhHOHO, am I makin’ you blush there little Jen-O? Makin’ people blush and feel awkward is my SPECIALTY *pulls out guns* LOLz But on a serious note, you’re welcome little miss, whenever I can help you, I’m happai! :) You know, one of my friends went away on a cruise to the Mediterranean and saw this guy. And you know what she did? She wrote her number down and handed it to the guy WITHOUT even havin’ said a word to him! LOLz, she texted me and said she found the man of her dreams. AND THEN GUESS WHAT? After 2 years of back and forth talk, they got MARRIED. GAWK. IKR?! I was happai for her, but still…WOW! The way people meet right? So what I guess I’m trying to say, don’t be discouraged from what you feel. You know that the best. If you decided that this guy makes you feel all special, makes your heart rush, and you blush, then hey, GO FOR IT. To tell you the truth, I like this guy, and I confessed to him a few months ago, but he declined sayin’ we were only friends. HA. AS IF I COULD ACCEPT THAT ANSWER. So I’m tryin’ twice as hard because he’s that guy for me ;) CHEESY or what?! OHMYGEWD, we could be ‘sisters’ in confession! We’ll obtain our goals together! :D WHOOP WHOOP!
Yes, call me Star-chan! I love the ring to that. And I’ll call you Jen-O! Cause it reminds meh of JELLO. LOLz.
AH O////O *so much blush!* xD You're making me smile a lot again, thankyou all for your advice here, Star-chan!!! Eeee thats awesome! Its funny cuz I just felt like he liked me, and I still feel like that... I know!!! Q_Q It makes me sad and even a bit embarrassed to think that I hunted him down and after all was done, we aren't even emailing :( I AGREE haha! Oh yeah, in January next year, I'll be going to his hometown to meet with friends and they're in contact with him too so I really hope we'll get together and I'll have another chance! >u< Either then, or maybe we will be in the camp together again like how u said. Its just awkward to email him now that it didn't seem to work out over email.. Awww thankyou so much, I really appreciate ur advice and next time, I'll definitely be more open and bold to him^^ As far as I know, he doesn't have a gf... I don't know for sure, I hope that he doesn't! O_O But its funny, cuz there was a mess up on email (it was my fault, my computer didn't send my reply! and I realized a few nerve-wracking weeks later Dx) Anyway, I told him about it but pretty much since then, I haven't talked again to him even tho I would like to :( OH another fact is that he doesn't even have facebook, same as me... so maybe he just doesn't communicate online much anyhow? You're really good at making me feel better and giving advice!! If I see him in January, I'll definitely try harder to be friends with him now that I realize I like him and he may still like me! :D Amen, I totally agree! Love is amazing <3 Thankyou!! >////< Kyaaaa! <3 Thats awesome! I hope to continue being ur #1 fan too *hugs* You're super, Star-chan! (should I call u Star-chan? :) You can call me Jen if u'd like!
Last edited by MangaKid at 8:26:03 PM EST on November 11, 2012.
Ah really? I’m so happai to here that this post helped you! ;) OH MY SWEET CHICKEN. Now that is quite the love story little miss! Hmm what can I help ya with here? I wanna tell you I think he got the hots for ya, since he meets so many of these hints, but it’s weird how he’s not contactin’ that much now that he’s got your email…:/ I mean, WHAT IS WRONG WITH MEN? LOLz. Are you ever gonna meet him again? You said camp, so is this an annual thing? If so, be a brave little girl and introduce yourself! >B With the emails, perhaps you need to be more direct! Give him some hints you maybe interested in him. Do you know if he has a gf? Maybe it’s also cuz he was giving you hints at camp and you didn’t respond? I know some guys have short fuses and give up easily, but lets say this guy is shy! So go go go for it and give it your best shot cuz love is an amazing gift<33333 ;) LOLz, I just realized you’re my #1 fan on here! Muwa, love you lots!
Ya, I still like the same guy >B I think we're gettin' closer each day, so I hope to reconfess to him near X-mas time! ;) Better wish me luck (again, lol).
AH I'm so glad u posted this cuz I was gonna ask this!!! About that guy I started to like, he was definitely guilty of #1, 2, and 6, and kind of #4 and 7 too. I met him at camp in the summer. I started getting interesting and curious about him cuz he continually looked over at me and I kept catching his eye O_O At first, it made me uncomfortable but then I thought I would like to be his friend! His friends started teased him when I sat near him once during suppertime and one of his friends kept bragging about him to me when he wasn't around. But we never 'officially' met each other. I got his email after camp from a friend and emailed him, but he didn't seem interested at all Q_Q He just emailed back pretty casually, he knew who I was too. Maybe he was really shy? but I'm not sure... lol thats my story xD I'm still believing in him tho ^/////^ I'm gonna see him soon i hope! gah, sorry embarrassing xD
Traditional Artist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/31/13 | Reply
hehe this is very interesting^^ There is a very easier way to find out if a guy likes you..Or thou some are just as shy and may or sometimes deny it..Well the easier way to build up some guts walks to him and ask him straight, after you told him that you like him..
All those 10 things you said is pretty helful but you will be wasting so much time on that, that he may lose interest but I have to agree sometimes a little effort is not a bad thing...I know it's not easy to be straight forward on your feelings but what is the worst that could happen? he definitly wont slap you..He can just say yes or no..
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/13/12 | Reply
LOLZ!!!! Stop it! XD Hahahaa! You are just so awesome and sweeeeet!!! *huggles* I'm so glad that you are back on theO and we can renew our friendship like this, teehee!!! ^_^
WOAH WOAH!!! Amazing story there! I LOVE hearing magical love stories like that, its just so cool!! *U* THAT makes me feel better too... cuz sometimes I just feel bad for bothering that guy I like, and the fact that I randomly emailed him made me embarrassed after a while >3< But you just never know right? So we have to do whatever we can!! I'm really happy for that friend of yours though, that is just awesome!!!!! *cheers*
So true... Man you're like a little angel sent to help me!!! ^_^ I hope I can help and encourage u too :D I will definitely stop worrying about it and not get discouraged. I wish I had talked to u during the summer when I was an emotional break-down inside myself because of this =_= So I'll just do my best next time and believe for the best^^
AWWWWW *hugs* You're right girl!!! Keep trying and I'll be praying for you lots <3 LOL I know right?! It just seems like a story-book romance for both of us^^ and lets hope they have good endings! I'm so sorry that the guy turned u down though... I tell u, he's missing out right now!! So keep working hard and I will too!!! *brofist, or SISFIST* xD OH YES YES!! Let's keep encouraging each other!! I will always be here to talk if u need, and I know ur here for me too... You've already done a lot to help me ^////^
Yay, Star-chan!!! ^_^ LOL I love that nickname!! No one has called me that before, so its awesome that its unique between us! <3 Love u girl! :)
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/13/12 | Reply
OhHOHO, am I makin’ you blush there little Jen-O? Makin’ people blush and feel awkward is my SPECIALTY *pulls out guns* LOLz But on a serious note, you’re welcome little miss, whenever I can help you, I’m happai! :) You know, one of my friends went away on a cruise to the Mediterranean and saw this guy. And you know what she did? She wrote her number down and handed it to the guy WITHOUT even havin’ said a word to him! LOLz, she texted me and said she found the man of her dreams. AND THEN GUESS WHAT? After 2 years of back and forth talk, they got MARRIED. GAWK. IKR?! I was happai for her, but still…WOW! The way people meet right? So what I guess I’m trying to say, don’t be discouraged from what you feel. You know that the best. If you decided that this guy makes you feel all special, makes your heart rush, and you blush, then hey, GO FOR IT. To tell you the truth, I like this guy, and I confessed to him a few months ago, but he declined sayin’ we were only friends. HA. AS IF I COULD ACCEPT THAT ANSWER. So I’m tryin’ twice as hard because he’s that guy for me ;) CHEESY or what?! OHMYGEWD, we could be ‘sisters’ in confession! We’ll obtain our goals together! :D WHOOP WHOOP!
Yes, call me Star-chan! I love the ring to that. And I’ll call you Jen-O! Cause it reminds meh of JELLO. LOLz.
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/11/12 | Reply
AH O////O *so much blush!* xD You're making me smile a lot again, thankyou all for your advice here, Star-chan!!! Eeee thats awesome! Its funny cuz I just felt like he liked me, and I still feel like that... I know!!! Q_Q It makes me sad and even a bit embarrassed to think that I hunted him down and after all was done, we aren't even emailing :( I AGREE haha! Oh yeah, in January next year, I'll be going to his hometown to meet with friends and they're in contact with him too so I really hope we'll get together and I'll have another chance! >u< Either then, or maybe we will be in the camp together again like how u said. Its just awkward to email him now that it didn't seem to work out over email.. Awww thankyou so much, I really appreciate ur advice and next time, I'll definitely be more open and bold to him^^ As far as I know, he doesn't have a gf... I don't know for sure, I hope that he doesn't! O_O But its funny, cuz there was a mess up on email (it was my fault, my computer didn't send my reply! and I realized a few nerve-wracking weeks later Dx) Anyway, I told him about it but pretty much since then, I haven't talked again to him even tho I would like to :( OH another fact is that he doesn't even have facebook, same as me... so maybe he just doesn't communicate online much anyhow? You're really good at making me feel better and giving advice!! If I see him in January, I'll definitely try harder to be friends with him now that I realize I like him and he may still like me! :D Amen, I totally agree! Love is amazing <3 Thankyou!! >////< Kyaaaa! <3 Thats awesome! I hope to continue being ur #1 fan too *hugs* You're super, Star-chan! (should I call u Star-chan? :) You can call me Jen if u'd like!
Last edited by MangaKid at 8:26:03 PM EST on November 11, 2012.
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/10/12 | Reply
Ah really? I’m so happai to here that this post helped you! ;) OH MY SWEET CHICKEN. Now that is quite the love story little miss! Hmm what can I help ya with here? I wanna tell you I think he got the hots for ya, since he meets so many of these hints, but it’s weird how he’s not contactin’ that much now that he’s got your email…:/ I mean, WHAT IS WRONG WITH MEN? LOLz. Are you ever gonna meet him again? You said camp, so is this an annual thing? If so, be a brave little girl and introduce yourself! >B With the emails, perhaps you need to be more direct! Give him some hints you maybe interested in him. Do you know if he has a gf? Maybe it’s also cuz he was giving you hints at camp and you didn’t respond? I know some guys have short fuses and give up easily, but lets say this guy is shy! So go go go for it and give it your best shot cuz love is an amazing gift<33333 ;) LOLz, I just realized you’re my #1 fan on here! Muwa, love you lots!
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/10/12 | Reply
Ya, I still like the same guy >B I think we're gettin' closer each day, so I hope to reconfess to him near X-mas time! ;) Better wish me luck (again, lol).
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/10/12 | Reply
I'm so glad u posted this cuz I was gonna ask this!!! About that guy I started to like, he was definitely guilty of #1, 2, and 6, and kind of #4 and 7 too. I met him at camp in the summer. I started getting interesting and curious about him cuz he continually looked over at me and I kept catching his eye O_O At first, it made me uncomfortable but then I thought I would like to be his friend! His friends started teased him when I sat near him once during suppertime and one of his friends kept bragging about him to me when he wasn't around. But we never 'officially' met each other. I got his email after camp from a friend and emailed him, but he didn't seem interested at all Q_Q He just emailed back pretty casually, he knew who I was too. Maybe he was really shy? but I'm not sure... lol thats my story xD I'm still believing in him tho ^/////^ I'm gonna see him soon i hope!
gah, sorry embarrassingxDLightFykki
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/10/12 | Reply
So you still like him? That is nice.^^