It is night. The moon has risen long ago--you travel through the dark, haunting, unfamiliar forest, fearing that you will never find your way home...and just when it seems all hope is see a flickering flame, a camp. A young girl sits beside the fire, and she looks up at your approach, smiling in a friendly way.
"Welcome to the Shadowglade Woods...are you a traveler? Have you gotten lost on your way? Don`t fear the can rest here `till the sun returns tomorrow. And while you wait for the morning to come...would you like to hear a story?"
^^ Welcome to my blog! I`m Selendrile, or just plain Selen, Draiky-chan if you must. XD Here`s where I`ll be posting the stories I write--if you have a deviantART account, you can see `em at Sometime`s I`ll post a video, maybe a short story, whatever strikes the mood. Have fun reading~♪