Quote of the Week: You do you and I'll do me and we're not gonna do each other.
- Created By art4life
Not much to report but it's TuEsdAy.
I've been thinking lately that while most people go on social networks a lot, like Instagram, Facebook,Vine etc. , that's basically what I do with theO. Even if I don't post or comment anything theO has become part of my daily routine so I'm still here stalking unsuspecting otakus.
I've been listening to the band Amazarashi recently (they did the ending song of Tokyo Ghoul root A). Even the names of their songs are all in Japanese so I have no idea what they're saying, but they sound really good. And anyways Japanese music has become one of the main things I listen to now so I'm used to not always knowing what the words mean.
I started reading Kimi Ni Todoke last Saturday and was really caught up with it- I should stop starting new manga/anime when I have other stuff to do, never know when I'll come across a really good one that will distract me. I really like it though( just so you know, it's shoujo)
I wonder if anyone noticed that I put a new quote in my intro of this world every Tuesday. I didn't really announce them, I just started doing it a few weeks ago.