Quote of the Week: You do you and I'll do me and we're not gonna do each other.
- Created By art4life
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I looked on my profile and realized that I only submit fan art every couple of weeks. For some reason I thought I submitted more frequently than this so it kind of surprised me.
So I want to submit more often. I'm a slow drawer so I definitely wouldn't be able to submit something everyday. The plan was to do several drawings this evening, but, good gravy, that Chiyuki drawing took forever and it's not even that good. And now I'm tired.
I think the only chance I have of making good digital art is to do the lineart and shadow first in pencil, so that's what I did.
Drawing more will also be good, because I need some new bookmarks anyway. Just so you know, some of the drawings I do are done on index cards so I can use them as bookmarks in the various books I'm always reading. The drawings I did of Kaneki, Kakashi, Nel, and Toki are all bookmarks. I always get complimented on them when people at school see them and ask if I drew them. It's very pleasant.