Quote of the Week: You do you and I'll do me and we're not gonna do each other.
- Created By art4life
School Times
I didn't have to go to school until 11:30am today because the first few hours were just for students who had to take a certain exam that I didn't need to take, so that was nice. But you'd think I'd use that extra time to sleep in, right? Well technically I did, but only until 7:00am (if you count the time that I spent just laying awake when I woke up). I'm so used to getting up at 5am for school that maybe I can't even sleep late if I tried- I get up early on weekends too. (Not that I want to sleep late)
Next school year they're starting school 20 minutes later so "students can get more sleep".
Fat Lot Of Good That Will Do. (-_-) I mean really? No one's falling asleep in class because they got 6 hours and 40 minutes of sleep instead of 7 and the extra time will probably just be spent on something other than sleep.
And for some reason they don't realize that if you start later and end later we're not going to get more sleep we'll just have to go to bed later.
For example: I think most days are ok, but if you play a sport there are days when you don't get home until past 7 or 8pm (if you're lucky) then you have about 2 hours of homework + dinner, chores, etc. = about 3 hours before bed. So you go to bed at 10 or 11 and get up at 5 to catch your bus. 7 - 6 hours of sleep.
I haven't done extracurriculars since fall so I don't know exactly how it is for them but I know there are times when track doesn't finish until 10pm, rehearsals for the play can go until 9pm everyday and you might have more homework than usual.
So let's say they start school two hours later. Now you get home at 9-10 + 2 hours of homework + 1 hour extra stuff = go to bed at 12 or 1, get up at 7. Result: 7 -6 hours of sleep if you're lucky
(I'm explaining so much because my mom didn't get it when I told her about it and I'm hoping you guys will get it)
This is seriously their plan, although it'll be a few years before it starts. Instead of just starting and ending later, maybe they shouldn't let clubs, sports etc go on for several hours and then students could get sleep and good grades At The Same Time. People like me who go straight home after school are fine so the clubs/sports times are what need fixing.
Who's "they"? The superintendent and the people in charge of the schools in my county/district. Did they actually think this through or are they just trying to end the complainants they get from students and parents? It's kind of annoying.
Wrote way more than I planned.ヘ(゜ο°;)ノ Whoops.