I'm always around theO somewhere. I wish I were a bit more active... But yeah~... lol. I'm sorry I scared you that I had left. ;_;
Well so much for my memory. XP Yeah, I agree with your father. Pets always need company. ^^ I think only cats, dogs, talking birds, reptiles and some fish are the only ones that are fine on their own. Other than them, you need at least two.
LOL I would love to see your ferrets run around your cat. XD Be careful when introucing your ferrets to Yuffie. ^^' Cats can be quite unpredictable... >.>
I'm glad you're alright. ;_; I hate sticks too, but that's coz I'm too short to drive one. ;_;
Ahaha. I'm glad you are here. ^^ You always were really nice. I was afraid you had gone when I returned.
*blushes* Thank you. I'm embarrassed naow.
I actually got the two ferrets at the same time. One is called Wraith and one is Itachi. My dad has this problem with seeing animals alone. ...so when I showed up at the pet store to pick up my albino(Wraith)he was there deciding on another ferret for me.
Rikku didn't know what to think at first, but she is pretty well oke with them now. She just doesn't like it when they get excited and start running around her. Yuffie I'm not so sure about. She is my friend's cat and she hasn't been here all that long. I haven't let them out with her yet.
Yes I was alright. I scraped my wrist a bit and was sore a little while afterward but nothing big. I miss my car now though. I'm scared of driving this truck. I don't like stick shifts.
Neko Kouhai (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/17/09 | Reply
*sighs* I know... It's so sad that old friends have left. ;_; I'm not much, but at least I'm here...? ^^''' And yes, I'm sure you'll make new friends in no time. ^^ Who wouldn't want to be friends with you? 8O *hugs* X3
I knew you had a ferret, but another one and a cat? XD Do they get along? I want another pet, but there's no way my cat would allowe that. >.>
Oh~ I get it. ^^ I'm glad you got your trunk. X3 An accident! DX Were you alright? ;_;
Neko Kouhai (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/20/09 | Reply
I'm always around theO somewhere. I wish I were a bit more active... But yeah~... lol. I'm sorry I scared you that I had left. ;_;
Well so much for my memory. XP Yeah, I agree with your father. Pets always need company. ^^ I think only cats, dogs, talking birds, reptiles and some fish are the only ones that are fine on their own. Other than them, you need at least two.
LOL I would love to see your ferrets run around your cat. XD Be careful when introucing your ferrets to Yuffie. ^^' Cats can be quite unpredictable... >.>
I'm glad you're alright. ;_; I hate sticks too, but that's coz I'm too short to drive one. ;_;
Love Bug =X3
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/17/09 | Reply
Ahaha. I'm glad you are here. ^^ You always were really nice. I was afraid you had gone when I returned.
*blushes* Thank you. I'm embarrassed naow.
I actually got the two ferrets at the same time. One is called Wraith and one is Itachi. My dad has this problem with seeing animals alone. ...so when I showed up at the pet store to pick up my albino(Wraith)he was there deciding on another ferret for me.
Rikku didn't know what to think at first, but she is pretty well oke with them now. She just doesn't like it when they get excited and start running around her. Yuffie I'm not so sure about. She is my friend's cat and she hasn't been here all that long. I haven't let them out with her yet.
Yes I was alright. I scraped my wrist a bit and was sore a little while afterward but nothing big. I miss my car now though. I'm scared of driving this truck. I don't like stick shifts.
Neko Kouhai (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/17/09 | Reply
*sighs* I know... It's so sad that old friends have left. ;_; I'm not much, but at least I'm here...? ^^''' And yes, I'm sure you'll make new friends in no time. ^^ Who wouldn't want to be friends with you? 8O *hugs* X3
I knew you had a ferret, but another one and a cat? XD Do they get along? I want another pet, but there's no way my cat would allowe that. >.>
Oh~ I get it. ^^ I'm glad you got your trunk. X3 An accident! DX Were you alright? ;_;
Love Bug =X3