It appears that we now have the ability to change our Usernames...and because of this, I will once again be transferring everything back to my old account.

Ms. Bakura Ishtar will be becoming "ShadeyCharacter", if all goes well. We can only wait and see.

Still in the process...

Currently just woke. Transferred a few of my E-cards over from the other account. I realized I was still in the middle of a challenge on a few of those cards so I went ahead and switched them over to this account and entered over here. *shrugs*

I wish I had been able to switch my 'Bleach: For Sale' E-cards over before I won that challenge so I had credit on this account.

First two challenges I have ever entered on TheO. >.< Never really occurred to me to enter any. lol

Anyhow, I'm out. Have some gaming that needs to be done. I have three nights off work so I need to get to playin'!
