*gets pounced on* yay i'm alive, now will you get off me? >:( LOL
oh the two girls are (from right of Ivan) are Xilvesr (the Blind Archer and my first Nobody) and Mist (my Lonliness main character) and the three angy looking people are (from right) Aaron, Skyler,and Jason quarraling over the food making; meowwy is stuck on the bannar that says "Happy Birthday Fall" upside down; Lex your character went into my house and is stealing Jason-made cookies; and Ivan bandaging Xilvesr for hurting herself with Mist comforting her. yeah got that guy, but I was supposed to put cuts and stuff on me becuase I was battling him and trying to capture him
yeah its cool and I'm at the temple of time!!!! so is Ooccoo going to be my next big battle boss?
Everyone has creativity. It's yours and noone else!
WatcherOnTheO (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/11/11 | Reply
Everyone has creativity. It's yours and noone else!
WatcherOnTheO (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/11/11 | Reply
you the Oocoo the bird with a human face? nevermind I already went there and defeated the spider boss, now I'm going to the sky!
Everyone has creativity. It's yours and noone else!
WatcherOnTheO (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/11/11 | Reply
*gets pounced on* yay i'm alive, now will you get off me? >:( LOL
oh the two girls are (from right of Ivan) are Xilvesr (the Blind Archer and my first Nobody) and Mist (my Lonliness main character) and the three angy looking people are (from right) Aaron, Skyler,and Jason quarraling over the food making; meowwy is stuck on the bannar that says "Happy Birthday Fall" upside down; Lex your character went into my house and is stealing Jason-made cookies; and Ivan bandaging Xilvesr for hurting herself with Mist comforting her. yeah got that guy, but I was supposed to put cuts and stuff on me becuase I was battling him and trying to capture him
yeah its cool and I'm at the temple of time!!!! so is Ooccoo going to be my next big battle boss?
Everyone has creativity. It's yours and noone else!