Exactly. So me being a bit of both, and holding in so damn much, well there have been a few times I've exploded and it's shocked people cuz I'm not normally like that. So I tend to play the clown, laughing and joking just to make sure I don't get heated too much.
I guess that's where being apathetic at times can come in handy. I have waaaay too much of a temper to let myself stay pissed lol. Which it's a good thing I have such a high tolerance level. It takes an awful lot to get my mad, but once I do I'm kinda scary. As you said, it's always the quiet ones lol.
I believe that's true. And although it's a side of my I don't particularly like, it's always been there. I just try to do my best from keeping other people from suffering for it.
haha Hey I'm different but that's because I have time on my hands at work to do nothing but think so it's rather easy for me to sort out my thoughts. I would've rehearsed it in my head so by the time I need to say something, I pretty much have it down. Besides, depending on what's going on, hey you could truly be all over the place and just need to focus on something to help quiet the angry voices in your head
Like I said, when your ready, just let me know. I'm sure you have tons of friends that are offering their ears and shoulders, so I'm just one of a legion. But, still, you being my friend and all, if I can help you ease some of the burden by listening to your tale and story, then hey lay it on me.
Crimson Buu
Senior Otaku | Posted 02/08/12 | Reply
@Dark Phoenix:
Exactly. So me being a bit of both, and holding in so damn much, well there have been a few times I've exploded and it's shocked people cuz I'm not normally like that. So I tend to play the clown, laughing and joking just to make sure I don't get heated too much.
Dark Phoenix
On the Jazz! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/08/12 | Reply
@Crimson Buu:
I guess that's where being apathetic at times can come in handy. I have waaaay too much of a temper to let myself stay pissed lol. Which it's a good thing I have such a high tolerance level. It takes an awful lot to get my mad, but once I do I'm kinda scary. As you said, it's always the quiet ones lol.
Crimson Buu
Senior Otaku | Posted 02/08/12 | Reply
@Dark Phoenix:
O I'm normally a bit of a pissed off person. I've lived too long holding it all in. That's why I ended up drinking til I blacked out so many times
Dark Phoenix
On the Jazz! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/08/12 | Reply
@Crimson Buu:
I don't really get angry much. I have a very high tolerance level for that. But when I do, I find music is a great emotional outlet for me.
Dark Phoenix
On the Jazz! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/08/12 | Reply
I know, that video is funny as shit! And aww, Shanny loves you too Molly-chan. <3
Dark Phoenix
On the Jazz! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/08/12 | Reply
@Crimson Buu:
I believe that's true. And although it's a side of my I don't particularly like, it's always been there. I just try to do my best from keeping other people from suffering for it.
Firestarter (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/08/12 | Reply
That was goddamn hilarious, Babe. And remember... Molly Loves you!
Crimson Buu
Senior Otaku | Posted 02/08/12 | Reply
@Dark Phoenix:
Yea well it's part of you. We all have sides of ourselves we hate for others to see and know. Hell, I know I do. But it is who we are, good or bad.
Dark Phoenix
On the Jazz! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/08/12 | Reply
@Crimson Buu:
It was kind of more of apathy. The apathy is the side of myself I don't particularly like though, and not what I want to expose people to.
Crimson Buu
Senior Otaku | Posted 02/08/12 | Reply
@Dark Phoenix:
haha Hey I'm different but that's because I have time on my hands at work to do nothing but think so it's rather easy for me to sort out my thoughts. I would've rehearsed it in my head so by the time I need to say something, I pretty much have it down. Besides, depending on what's going on, hey you could truly be all over the place and just need to focus on something to help quiet the angry voices in your head
Dark Phoenix
On the Jazz! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/08/12 | Reply
@Crimson Buu:
At least that's encouraging. ^_^ I've been sifting through D Gray Man amv's most of this evening and at least the hotness is helping lol.
Crimson Buu
Senior Otaku | Posted 02/08/12 | Reply
@Dark Phoenix:
Hell no. Some people have so much going on that it takes them a long time to sort it all out
Dark Phoenix
On the Jazz! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/08/12 | Reply
@Crimson Buu:
I will take you up on that offer. Is it weird that it takes me a long time to organize my thoughts? lol
Crimson Buu
Senior Otaku | Posted 02/08/12 | Reply
@Dark Phoenix:
Like I said, when your ready, just let me know. I'm sure you have tons of friends that are offering their ears and shoulders, so I'm just one of a legion. But, still, you being my friend and all, if I can help you ease some of the burden by listening to your tale and story, then hey lay it on me.
Dark Phoenix
On the Jazz! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/07/12 | Reply
@Crimson Buu:
Thanks, that means a lot. Right now I can't even settle down to go to sleep.
Crimson Buu
Senior Otaku | Posted 02/07/12 | Reply
Hey, whenever your ready, I'm there and here to listen.