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I'm Shen. Nice to meet you.

Occupation: Computer and Electrical Engineering Student
Work: IEOP teacher (I teach foreigners how to speak english...not good)
I don't know what else you want to know?

If you need help at all, I'd be happy to help. I know a lot about programming and overall how this works, considering I've been here for years and I'm going to school for computer engineering. So, I hope you enjoy your stay and that I don't offend you.

I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2

Wondering the wasteland

I am officially working two jobs now. I'm an IT intern and I mow lawns. I'm nice and help people in one, and I yell at my coworkers and get very dirty in another. Woo hoo. I really need to practice my "Is the computer plugged in" voice. Really its two very different jobs and I have two very different views on them. The funniest part was I had to take a drug test before I could get hired for this IT job. I had never done that before so I have been making many jokes about it. They really take it seriously too. Its a good idea to, because people will try to beat the system, but its just funny for someone like me who hasn't done any drugs or alcohol for YEARS.

Oh well, and now I have a lot of old friends from high school that want to catch up with me too. Where were they when I was bored out of my mind a month ago? Who knows. But at least I don't have too take those pills in a week. Maybe I can finally get back on to a regular schedule of updating. If I ever had one...which I probably didn't huh? Nothing I can do about that.

I'm really hoping to finish some projects I started this weekend. Like taking apart our old grill and writing a bit. Plus I really need to experiment with a DVD player and see if I can get it working again. So much to do, so little motivation to actually do it. Dear me. Oh, and I need to do something about the silverware on my bedroom floor. Any ideas? And they are in a box, not strewn everywhere. I just don't know where I can store them.
