That's not good. Not at all. I worry when people tend to idealize others based on what is basically very little information. It's especially troubling when it threatens to ruin a relationship with the person here and now. I don't know what to say, really. He has to sort things out, I know that much, however. sherr...idk what to say, i agree you can find solace on the interwebs from friends...but to practically throw your marriage away for some random person? kinda ridiculous...i feel bad for your sis-in-law, i hope everything works out for them in the end, if not you could still at least be friends with her couldn't you?
Pleiades Rising
Otaku Idol (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/14/10 | Reply
That's not good. Not at all. I worry when people tend to idealize others based on what is basically very little information. It's especially troubling when it threatens to ruin a relationship with the person here and now. I don't know what to say, really. He has to sort things out, I know that much, however.
Linden Rathan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/14/10 | Reply sherr...idk what to say, i agree you can find solace on the interwebs from friends...but to practically throw your marriage away for some random person? kinda ridiculous...i feel bad for your sis-in-law, i hope everything works out for them in the end, if not you could still at least be friends with her couldn't you?