This is my idea of a tO world that copies Twitter
This is my mini-post world or whatever.

You still have a long way to go.

Here's yet another Aria related post. One of the main reasons why I love this show is because the ideas and morals shown in almost every episode is easily relatable to what I'm planning on becoming in the future, a nurse. But it can be relatable to anyone who is currently doing some sort of practice or training to become something that they want to be. Not only is it relatable, but it's very thought provoking and uplifting.

This is only from episode one, but it's a really good one that I had to share. If you've never watched Aria before, just know that Akira, Alicia, and Athena are the seniors in this show, while Aika, Akari, and Alice are the apprentices.

Akira: "Sounds like the three of you realized that you still have a long way to go."
Aika: "We sure did. I feel kind of depressed because of it."
Akari: "Let's do our best, Aika."
Aika: "Of course we will."
Alicia: "It's true that the three of you have a long way to go."
Alice: "Alicia."
Alicia: "But, so do I. Akira and Athena too. We all have a long way to go. Right?"
Athena: "Yeah. You're right."
Aika, Akari, and Alice: "Eh?"
Alice: "That's really a shocker."
Akari: "You're already so amazing, we could never catch up to you."
Aika: "She's right! So then, when are you going to be satisfied with yourself, Akira?"
Akira: "Probably never. No matter how much better I get. No matter how long I continue this job. If you believe you've reached the top and become complacent, you can't move forward. That's why I think it's really important to believe you still have a long way to go."
Alicia: "Yes. 'Tomorrow, I'll shine much brighter than I did today.' That's something you want to believe about yourself"
Athena: "That feeling will probably never change, even if you become Primas. Even after you step off your gondolas for the last time, that feeling will still be there."
Akira: "Maybe that's how everyone finds their own brilliance?"
Alice: "Their own brilliance…"
Akira: "In other words, it's only natural that you still have a long way to go."
Athena: "That's right. And that's something very wonderful."
Alicia: "Maybe it's best to just cherish yourself and the journey ahead, and have fun along the way?"
Aika, Akari, and Alice: "Yes."

Get off my case.

I have a feeling that this will be a generic "teenage angst" against parents post. I hate it when people, esp. your parents, continue reminding you of things you already know or things you already planned to do… but in a more negative tone. I also hate it when they tell you to stop doing this or that.

My mom just told me nursing school is hard. I KNOW already. I am expecting the storm to come anytime soon. Her repeating this to me all the time really aggravates me because I feel like she's putting me down. I'm not just an average child who doesn't know any better. I'm not an idiot who will just go in this without planning on reading or studying, god…

I am also working only on the weekends during this semester. My mom discouraged me to work as well. She says that I'm "working harder" over there. What a dumb assumption to make. I know fellow nursing classmates who work twice my hours during the week. Besides, how am I supposed to work harder at work when I dislike it? I'm just there to easily pay off my bills.

I wished my conservative asian parents were more understanding.

3/4ths Win

This was copypasta'd to here from an IM conversation I had where I describe today's events. This is an update from my college & financial situation regarding classes.

i'm a lazy guy, so i tried calling my financial aid office…
but classes start tomorrow, so there was a huge influx of people in there for their financial aid award package.
that made their phone lines ridiculously busy. i wanted to talk to this one guy, but he NEVER picked up his phone.
so i'm like, screw it, and decided to go there myself. i met with the guy after waiting for 20 minutes and he got my loans and stuff fixed, so now that balance of 7k+ dollars is cleared.
i was scared that the enrollment office (the one that registers you for classes) wouldn't accept that because the school just got the loan in last week.
but the guy, mr. vick, said the enrollment office NOW accepts confirmed disbursement dates (the day they get the money).
so i went there and got into a small issue w/ the woman advising me, but after that got cleared, she asked for my registration sheet, which i left at home.
so i had to drive all the way back home again and get all the classes i researched on their website to register. the numbers and whatnot.
so i just went back and the lady unlocked my account and registered me for 10 credits. 4 more left for a full class, which i have to get permission to from my department.
so i 3/4ths won 'cause i still need to talk with them tomorrow, lol.
but holy cow, what a load off my shoulders.

The Secret Life by Will100%

BEFORE WATCHING!: Click any video you want. It's the same song, but I want to see if you guys would like the first or second video better after watching the first or second one first. Just want your opinions!


At first, I thought this video was really stupid. However, I found myself watching both of them more and more because the song is ridiculously catchy for me. I wasn't too blown away after watching, but once you think about it, it's really sad for the sewer monster and his friend. :(


I'm stressing out right now because money is getting in the way of my eduction. I'm on the brink of being furious here.

Even though it's an obvious reality, why is college so gosh darn expensive? Especially private institutions. How ARE they using their money to make their education "better" than public institutions?

I just want to get this off my chest because I'm on hold for my class registrations because I thought a loan for my account went through a few months ago, but it didn't. It's partially my fault because I thought that everything was settled.

Well, now I'm freaking out here because I don't know how long this new loan application will take… and I don't know when exactly my school will be receiving the funds. I wished my school didn't have to begin on the first day of September because I'm going to be late for registration if this takes too long.

I pray to god or some other supernatural force to help these documentations done as soon as possible. I really want to do this, but with all of these stupid monetary issues getting in the way, my motivation falters.

I wished I could coax Justin Bieber or some rich-tard to send me a million dollars ONLY for educational purposes. Then I wouldn't have to stress over education, loans, and tuition…