That's an odd dream. I wouldn't even know where to begin if I tried to examine it (I don't know a darn thing about dream analysis). But you do have to wonder about the recurring bugs. I wonder what those mean? I know I have certain kinds of dreams that come to me whenever I'm in a certain mindset in my daily waking life. (Lately, I've been dreaming about people I haven't seen in a long time. Those dreams come and go.)
Try and see what's happening in your life that might be influencing your dreams. But don't force the symbolism; if it seems unnatural, then there's probably no connection. In any case, rest well!
Pleiades Rising
Otaku Idol (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/17/10 | Reply
That's an odd dream. I wouldn't even know where to begin if I tried to examine it (I don't know a darn thing about dream analysis). But you do have to wonder about the recurring bugs. I wonder what those mean? I know I have certain kinds of dreams that come to me whenever I'm in a certain mindset in my daily waking life. (Lately, I've been dreaming about people I haven't seen in a long time. Those dreams come and go.)
Try and see what's happening in your life that might be influencing your dreams. But don't force the symbolism; if it seems unnatural, then there's probably no connection. In any case, rest well!