This is my idea of a tO world that copies Twitter
This is my mini-post world or whatever.

Vent 01

I hate people who put down others just to make themselves feel better or "superior."
I'm pointing at this one guy at work. Sure, we have a few friendly laughs here and there, but he said something disrespectful to me before I left work today..
That really pissed me off and bothered me.

Although he was true, but why would you even say that in the first place?
You don't go to someone who looks overweight and tell him, "Oh, you're obese!"
Or you don't go to an anorexic person and say, "You're an anorexic."

My natural reaction is to simply let it go, but the guy is about 15+ years older than me.. (I wouldn't mind getting him in a headlock and knocking him out though)
And he even has kids. That's the messed up part about it.
You'd think that an adult would be mature already, but nope. Not this guy.

It's funny. There are adults out there who believe that just because they have "age and experience," their point of view is automatically correct.
Some adults never learn. They're just stupid children in old bodies w/ more "privileges" than before.

I'm just gonna ignore him. I'll report him to our boss next time the he's hostile with me.
