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This is my mini-post world or whatever.

Perfume - Natural ni Koishite PV

TOKUMAJAPAN just released Perfume's new PV for their newest single.

For a Perfume song, this is really awesome.
It has the cuteness of Love the World, yet maintains the synth and cool factor in songs like Edge and Night Flight.
It also includes some funky slap bass clips. Keep the funk alive, Yasutaka.

Can't get enough of Perfume!

I just saw these new Triangle tour videos. My god, my inner fanboy has been reinvigorated!

I was pleasantly surprised that they played Polyrhythm for new years day!:

Zero Gravity (Live) (Very fun!):

I still love U (Live) (Full):

Anyways, that's enough of Perfume.
Still can't get enough despite listening to these songs over and over again.
