This is my idea of a tO world that copies Twitter
This is my mini-post world or whatever.


I was bored, so I decided that I needed yet another evaluation of my life. ARE YOU? 1. Perfect?: Far from. 2. Tall?: Nope, but avg. 3. In your pajamas?: I don't believe in pajamas. 4. Left handed?: Nah. LAST:...

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50 Questions You've Probably Never Been Asked!

So I got this from SayanaChan's myOtaku. So I decided to give it a whirl!

Are you ready?: Depends
First thing you wash in the shower?: My chest
What color is your favorite hoodie?: Red
Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?: Probably not
Do you plan outfits?: Yes
How are you feeling RIGHT now?: Not too shabby
What's the closest red thing to you?: My teddy lobster is on my left and my red hoodie is on my right and I can reach them with both of my arms. Although, I just got a text message and the screen turned red and my cell phone was right next to me.
Do you say Aim or A-I-M?: Aim.
Tell me about the last dream you remember having?: It was a dream about an obsession that I'm not willing to talk about right now. Sorry!
Did you meet anybody new today?: I'd love to.
What are you craving right now?: Working out, but I have a muscle injury on my right arm.
Do you floss?: Depends
What comes to mind when i say cabbage?: Patch
When was the last time you talked on aim?: Yesterday
Are you emotional?(Not emo): We're human after all.
Would you dance to the taco song?: Wut's dat?
Have you ever counted to 1,000?: Tried to, then I got bored
Do you bite your ice cream or just lick it?: I usually bite because I get impatient
Do you like your hair?: Yes, but I'm not sure whether to grow it out or not
Do you like yourself?: Usually
Have you ever met a celebrity?: I had a celebrity stare me for a couple of seconds (Rachael Yamagata)
Do you like cottage cheese?: It's good with something with it
What are you listening to right now?: A fire alarm going off in this game my brother is playing
How many countries have you visited?: Either three or four
Are your parents strict?: They used to be, now they aren't that strict anymore.
Would you go skydiving?: If I knew I would survive
Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush?: Probably not. I'd constantly think of the hundreds and hundreds of war crimes he committed.
Would you throw potatoes at him?: I would hire the guy that threw the shoe at him.
Is there anything sparkly in the room your in?: Not really.
Have you ever voted for an American Idol?: Not my thing.
Have you ever been in a castle?: I think so.
Do you rent movies often?: Yes.
Who sits behind you in your math class?: Since I'm in college, random people.
Have you made a prank phone call?: Yes.
Do you own a gun?: Nope.
Can you count backwards from 74?: Its easy, but I'm not going to bother.
Who are you going to be with tonight?: Family tonight because today is a rest day.
Brown or white eggs?: Brown eggs?
Do you own something from hot topic?: Nope.
Ever been on a train?: Yes.
Ever been in love?: Yes.
Do you have a cell phone?: Yes.
Are you too forgiving?: I'm really forgiving, but I'm trying my best to not be as forgiving towards people who use your forgiveness against you.
Do you use Chop Sticks?: Yes.
What is your best friend doing tomorrow?: Band practice with the band, including me.
Do you use ChapStick?: Yup.
Ever have cream puffs?: Yup.
Have you seen the Butterfly Effect?: No, I want to!
What was the last question you asked?: I asked a lot of questions in the past hour. I forgot all of them, haha.
What was the first CD you ever bought?: That Linkin Park Reanimation cd that I regret buying.
Boys or Girls?: Girls, luls.
What is your bus # for school?: I don't take the bus. I drive!
