Day One in Japan

We landed in Narita at 4:00ish on Friday, October 10th.

Whilst on the plane Twisted had contracted a commonly fatal disease known as "Migraine Due to Lack of Movement and Severe Dehydration Oh and No Caffeine Isn't Helping Either People" which nearly killed her so I took most of the pictures in Narita.

We were scared we would not find our way to customs and whatnot but we just went with the flow and eventually ended up at the right spot. It wasn't even that scary and we got our bags rather painlessly. Nothing was missing.

The couple Twisted and I would be staying with were in plain sight, waving a sign that had all of our names and it. They make me giggle. So cute.

The man is Keizo and his wife is Naomi. She was teh adorableness. And yes. I typed "teh". Japanese people do not understand what you mean when you say "teh" so I recommend refraining from integrating slang into your speech patterns while in another country. Just a thought.

We changed our moneys into yen and were on our way.

We ate at a little rice-bowl restaurant chain called "Sukiya" which was tasty, too bad I had no appitite due to being on a plane for what felt like half of my life. Too bad. What was also too bad was that it was dark by this point and we all slept through the entire drive through Tokyo at night. The lights really are a spectacular sight (we went to Tokyo a few times during the trip, half of which was at night).

We dropped the brother person off at his host family (consisting of two guys living in a rather large (for Japan) appartment. One of which does physical labor, the other is a lab researcher of some form who does something with Teflon. It was all very vague when we asked him about his job). One of Tofu's (for that is what I call my brother) roomies had just prior to our arrival been in a vehicular accident and was staying at his hometown to recoup.

Then Twisted and I went to our host home to unpack and sleep. It took us forever to do this and we didn't get to sleep until well after midnight which left us being awake for well over 36 hours (for I may have slept for a total of 2 hours on the two airplanes we flew on).

Thus went our first day in Japan. Twisted's killer headache eventually got slightly better but she was still basically dead. Ah well.

Stay tuned (but not too closely. It may be a while. I'm a very busy person, you know) for the next installment of "When In Japan", brought to you by Fluffy Kitty Inc. and Coca-Cola (TM)
