Hmmm...I dun see it in the Fan Comic Section ?_? I have the link right here if that'll help in anyway?
I'm not sure what to do about the title typo ._. I'm sure it's fine the way it is though ^_^
I dun why it won't let you post the pages :(
Kinda off topic but why are you going to Japan? That's just insanely awesome :O *hides in one of your suitcases*
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/08/08 | Reply
Yup! I got the first 3 pages of my comic up! Please do take a look-see.
My brother, sister and I are going to Maebashi, which is in the same Prefecture as Tokyo. I'm getting so excited!
Work isn't too bad. I am tired all the time, but that's not really anything new. lol
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/08/08 | Reply
I hope you manage to get your things submitted! I'll go take a look soon ^^
I had a problem like that before, but i think it was my internet connection being poop.
You are going to Japan!! Wow! Where-abouts? For a month? Have an amazing time!!
*looks at previous post* I hope work isn't too stressful, naaww that is such a cute picture ^^
imouto chan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/07/08 | Reply
Oh that's nice ^_^ Have a ton of fun!
And no prob :) I'mma look at the page now~
Hopefully it'll be fixed soon!
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/07/08 | Reply
@imouto chan:
I finally posted another page (though it's not the one I wanted too. It's not letting me post the second page.....) Thanks for the link^^
Maybe I'll ask SomeGuy or somebody to help me with the title typo.
I'm going to Japan with my brother and sister because it's awesome (lol) and we are doing a volunteer missionary work. It's gonna rock.
imouto chan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/07/08 | Reply
Hmmm...I dun see it in the Fan Comic Section ?_? I have the link right here if that'll help in anyway?
I'm not sure what to do about the title typo ._. I'm sure it's fine the way it is though ^_^
I dun why it won't let you post the pages :(
Kinda off topic but why are you going to Japan? That's just insanely awesome :O
*hides in one of your suitcases*ShikamaruRocks
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/07/08 | Reply
@imouto chan:
Where is it? I can't find it. Yeah, I typed the name wrong. It's supposed to be Artificial Hairband, not Hariband. I don't know how to fix it....
Also, it's not letting me post the next pages. Why is it being so stupid?
Yeah, I'm going to Japan. Wicked Awesome.
imouto chan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/07/08 | Reply
The HariBand? I saw it if that's what your talking about ^_^ And no way! Tickets to Japan? How awesome!!!!
Take me with you!