Tofu once referenced it, I had no idea what he was talking about at the time, but I do recall his expression had slipped into a "death from cuteness" trance at the very memory of it:)
Secretly a Turnip (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/20/08 | Reply
owwie. twisting up your neck like that has got to hurt like...i dunno what! i hope that gets fixed soon. :x
that's pretty generous of your sister. the nicest thing my older brother's ever done for me is walk into my room, rip one off, and run off giggling. *eyeroll*
that poor puppy! it should bite the baby back and see how he likes it. >:3 hehehe. well, hope you feel better soon; see you around!
Wow, and people on myO laughed at me when I had sprained my neck! Glad I'm not the only one. I did mine while trying to open a water bottle. Yes seriously. I had to go to the ER because I could not move after I felt that "tear" ripple through my neck. Couldn't lift my arms or anything. They just put me on loads of pain meds and muscle relaxers and then I had to go to physical therapy for 2 weeks. What joy and fun that was...especially because I had to try and go to work with that...can't go 2 weeks without my job!>_< But yes, I do hope you get better because pains in the neck are a real pain in the neck.
That picture is so cute! The baby looks like it's eating the puppy in the 2nd picture...very cute looking indeed!
Yes. I can only be sitting up for about 10 minutes every hour or so. It's pretty bad. Yay for gentle hugs ^-^
And, yeah. Twisted is pretty awesome. The poor girl has been sleeping in my bed for 2 nights and she has a horrid time falling asleep so she doesn't manage to until about 2 AM. That, and my dad exersices (VERY loudly) right outside my bedroom door everymorning at 6:20 AM and she's been waking up. She want's to kill something.
I love that picture. It's just so absurdly adorable. lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/03/11 | Reply
Hiiiii :) Oh noes. I'm on theO again. I become stupid and somewhat obsessed on this site. Eeeeeeeeep.
Yeah. We love this picture.
Otakuite+ | Posted 10/03/11 | Reply
Tofu once referenced it, I had no idea what he was talking about at the time, but I do recall his expression had slipped into a "death from cuteness" trance at the very memory of it:)
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/03/11 | Reply
Yes. Do you remember us speaking of this picture? Glad I posted it so long ago so you could see it :)
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/28/11 | Reply
Ahhh, the impossible baby/impossible puppy convergence scenario, classic:)
Last edited by Sweetpastadreamin at 9:03:11 PM CDT on September 28, 2011.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/20/08 | Reply
hahaha. Thanks! You're brother and my brother would probably get along.
Yeah, see ya^-^
Secretly a Turnip (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/20/08 | Reply
owwie. twisting up your neck like that has got to hurt like...i dunno what! i hope that gets fixed soon. :x
that's pretty generous of your sister. the nicest thing my older brother's ever done for me is walk into my room, rip one off, and run off giggling. *eyeroll*
that poor puppy! it should bite the baby back and see how he likes it. >:3 hehehe. well, hope you feel better soon; see you around!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/20/08 | Reply
@Shi Bum Bumm:
Eeeew. That's bad yo
Shi Bum Bumm
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/20/08 | Reply
I've never busted my neck like dat before, but I learned I have slight scoleosis
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/19/08 | Reply
Eh? I'm sorry. What?
Otakuite | Posted 04/18/08 | Reply
Thanks Shikamarur for the comment...cough... Nice Background!!! not!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/18/08 | Reply
Thanks! *hugs back*
My sister is pretty cool like that. And the more I look at it, it looks like a puppy, too. lol
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/17/08 | Reply
Aww bless you hun! *hugs gently* I hope you get better soon! Thats kind of your sis.
Cute picture. i think tis a puppy
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/17/08 | Reply
Oh my! What did you do at the dentist. The didn't pull anything, did they? I am phobic of needles so dentists aren't really my friends. lol.
Ow. Must lay down now. My second 10 minutes is up. Ouchy.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/17/08 | Reply
Man. Sounds like you had it much worse than me. There were no lasting effects, I hope?
Yes. I adore that picture. I sometimes will go in search of random cute things on the internets. Very fun.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/17/08 | Reply
cute baby!! ^^ your neck ouch!! my face is numb from going to the dentist. X3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/17/08 | Reply
Wow, and people on myO laughed at me when I had sprained my neck! Glad I'm not the only one. I did mine while trying to open a water bottle. Yes seriously. I had to go to the ER because I could not move after I felt that "tear" ripple through my neck. Couldn't lift my arms or anything. They just put me on loads of pain meds and muscle relaxers and then I had to go to physical therapy for 2 weeks. What joy and fun that was...especially because I had to try and go to work with that...can't go 2 weeks without my job!>_< But yes, I do hope you get better because pains in the neck are a real pain in the neck.
That picture is so cute! The baby looks like it's eating the puppy in the 2nd picture...very cute looking indeed!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/17/08 | Reply
Yes. I can only be sitting up for about 10 minutes every hour or so. It's pretty bad. Yay for gentle hugs ^-^
And, yeah. Twisted is pretty awesome. The poor girl has been sleeping in my bed for 2 nights and she has a horrid time falling asleep so she doesn't manage to until about 2 AM. That, and my dad exersices (VERY loudly) right outside my bedroom door everymorning at 6:20 AM and she's been waking up. She want's to kill something.
I love that picture. It's just so absurdly adorable. lol
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/17/08 | Reply
Ew, I've busted my neck before, but even though it was agony it sounds like what you've got going on is even worse o_O I give you hugs (gently).
Twisted is a very exceptional sister if she took a day off to help you like that ^^
The baby looks like it's suffocating the puppy and then trying to eat it O_O