Welcome to Shinigami Academy. A school for souls who wish to become a shinigami. By enrolling in this academy, you are one step closer to become a member of Gotei 13.

Alrite, here's the thing. anyone who is interested can join this academy. you will start as a new student (1st grade, 10pts will be awarded upon enrolment). if u complete a task/ join activity you will be promoted to higher grade. the highest grade is 4, after that u will graduate and join the Gotei 13 (the journey wont ends here..).

1st grade: 1-30 points
2nd grade: 31-80 pts
3rd grade: 81-180 pts
4th grade: 181-250pts

ok, if u like to join,pm me with these details of your OC

-squad that u wish to be in
-fav captain
-place of origin (seireitei or rukongai)
-do u have any friend/family in Gotei 13? if yes please state their name and squad no.
-do u have any skill/power/special ability

that's all for now. if u have any questions or anything just leave your comments here or simply pm me.

>>> tho the 'class' have already started, we are still accepting new students. so just send in your application if u are interested.


-Name- points (grade):

-Kokoro Tokushi - 165 (3)
-Suchi-ru Harmony - 120 (3)
-Hisa Yuki - 336 (OFFICER)
-Vathana Hadachi - 212 (4)
-Toko Namonje - 113 (3)
-Kikyo Aburame -75 (2)
-Renton - 13(1)
-Kira Yamaneko - 54(2)
-Toma Kuchiki - 205 (4)
-Takeshi Ray - 62 (2)
-Akane Kasomi - 81 (3)
-Raidon Takumi - 227 (4)
-Hiroshi Tsubasa - 10 (1)
-Tendo Hiruma - 65 (2)
-Yoko Minamino - 65 (2)
-Mchile - 60 (2)

-List of Assignments /Tasks
>Assignment 1 - Soul Society
>Assignment 2 - Riddles :submit your answers before october 9 2009
>Assignment 3: Shinigami's New Year (ends Jan 15,2010)
>Assignment 4: Interview (ends May 11,2010)

>Soccer Rules

...cant think of one...

I rubbed my neck as I leaned back in the tree. it still hurt from grimmjow.
“stupid moronic baboon” I muttered. I could feel the scratches from his insane nails. “and I thought only girls nails were like that” yeah, I still have my temper and attitude. So what? His words kept playing in my mind. Just a fluke just a fluke just a fluke. It couldn’t have been a fluke…right? Ok so I knock myself out I the first arrancar fight, but did some good! And I did some damage this time around.
I pulled my sleeves back and looked at the scars on my arms. Was I as weak back then? To keep running, to not succumb had to mean something. Right? But then I was running. Isn’t that the meaning of weakness?
Let me out! I’m not crazy!
Lets hear you scream…
Just a fluke!

“NO!” I flailed trying to escape the voices in my mind which probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do on such a skinny branch. I shrieked as I fell, barely maneuvering in time to avoid landing on my head, instead landing with my lower back pressed against the trunk and my knees pressed to my chest. Very uncomfortable if you ask me. I rolled to my side and maneuvered onto my back to look at the sky.
“ow” I muttered, than chuckled at my delayed reaction. “hmmm. I haven’t done any poetry lately have i?” I wondered out loud. “ oh well. Here goes” I took a deep breath and let loose
“The songs I sung
Are locked inside my mind
Never to return
My childhood is lost to time
M innocence cowers from the hatred
That reigns supreme
I laugh when I want to cry
Afraid to show weakness
To the monster of the day
Stuck drawing pictures that represent my fears
Looking out the window
Wondering if anything is real
Waiting for the color to fade
Into dismal shades
Of what could only be true reality
Hidden in the darkness
I dream about the day
For when the times are right
And I can be that innocent child once more
And hatred is overturned by love”

I thought a minute “not bad, but not that great either” I muttered before hearing voices from the window a few feet away. I crept over despite my thought of spying equals a BIG no-no, and used Hana to see what was up. It seemed the creepy captain, I never did remember his name but man that Stupid psycho freak show needs to leave our students alone already, and Nemu-fukitaicho-san, were getting ready to fight with Takuni-san and Suchi-chan.
“hey!” I called hopping up on the sill, “if your gonna fight, can I join?” I don’t know why but I was itching to fight
Just a fluke
Scratch that, I knew exactly why. Just wait shark-face, you’ll see it wasn’t a fluke. I saw creepy-psycho-experimenting…little…bug looking captain look at me confused, and sort of mad I appeared. Yeah. So? Leave me alone bug face. I don’t care if you’re a captain and I’m just a student so nah! I thought complete with an inner eye roll and tongue stuck out.
“so? Can i?” my eyes were probably really evil looking but I didn’t care. I slipped inside as I waited for their answer, Hana still part way unsheathed in my hand

hope ya'll dont mind my butting in. i had this already typed up and just wanted to post it TT-TT. i love koko-chan when she's angry. she's got an attitude lol ^^ fun to write! though she really hates it heheh
Koko-chan: i do! i'm mean!!!*tears*
mwahaha!...is it good to make your OC cry? oh well XD. and i hate that poem. i wrote it i like 5 min lol


I smiled as I watched the Espadas realize we were serious. Though, as I scanned the damage already afflicted on the building,I frowned . I could tell that the headmaster would not be happy. but then again…we are fighting espadas. I eyed the one I had attempted to kick…Ulquiorra I think his name was…something about his eyes made me feel that they were just as serious. I reached around and grabbed Hana’s handle, fingering the sharp lotus hand guard. I saw something was wrong with Harmony-san. I ran to help, seeing that Ulquiorra was now going over to her, only to be grabbed and thrown by Grimmjow. I fell back to my knee, readying Hana.
“I want to test you out little girl” he smirked “you must have something to be here, unless its just a fluke” I growled. I wasn’t about to let a friend of mine get hurt. I could sense Hana’s willingness to chop this baboon to pieces.
“don’t get me mad you baboon!” I hissed. “out of my way. You wont like me when I’m mad” he just laughed advancing on me. “don’t say I didn’t warn you…” I swung Hana out of her seath holding her in front of me, sliding the broad side along my palm. “meet my Hana-hime. But you can call her Hana-Tsukiakari. Isn’t she pretty?” I giggled for a second, then allowed my laugh to melt into a death glare. “mie tentou goshujin kusabana Hana-Tsukiakari!” I jumped in the air as I felt her change, instantly moving my hands into the kendo position. i swung at his head while he was stunned for a second knocking him to the ground. I landed softly in front of him. “still think it’s a fluke you over-sized moronic braying donkey?!” I growled, kicking him hard before using him as a kickstand and launching myself at the grey skinned espada. He sensed me coming and backhanded me away, just as I had wanted. I saw Kikyo-san coming up behind him and smashing him foreward with Nevan once more. I used Hana to stop my flight and to spin, smirking when I felt my boot make contact with him. I spun around once more before using Hana as a pole, vaulting over landing on my knee. “thanks!” I smiled before turning to Harmony-san as she went back to ulquiorra with Ray-san. I paused for a second to watch just how talented they were.
“are you alright?” I was worried that something had happened. But before she could answer I was pulled back by my hair. I shrieked as my head was yanked back.
“thought I knocked you out?” I spat as Grimmjow laughed pulling be back to him.
“youll pay for that stunt you pulled little girl” he hissed. Great. Of all the people to get angry it had to be this clod. (FYI-when I’m mad…no more polite Kokoro ^^ I don’t hesitate to call you names and be generally a…four letter word starting with a B. ^^) I stamped on his foot hard causing him to loosen his grip for a second but that was all I needed. I twisted out of his grasp and readied Hana, ready for the fight to come when I noticed everyone else was otherwise preoccupied with their own espada. “not gonna fall for that trick again. gonna break your little stick in half then you wont be able to do anything. Bet that’s the only thing you know how to do.” he laughed.
“your such an idiot” I stated as I gave him a blank look that said the same thing. “I am not a one trick pony so don’t treat me as such. I lunged at him. I could tell she was loving this. All the time I spent practicing with her had paid off. I feinted to the left, turning us around in a half circle, leading him away from Harmony-san.
“stop playing games!” he shouted
“fine. “ I shrugged swinging the staff around so that it pointed at him. I focused my Reiki, aiming for him. Another reason I loved Hana, she helped focus my freezing …thingy. Almost instantly he froze in place. I smiled. “hows that for stoping …playing…games…?” I confused even myself
“are you an idiot?” he asked. Forgot his mouth. Not like he can do anything with just his mouth .
“oh shut it!” I growled looking for anyone who needed help. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him flip me off. ok so it was one hand as well. I’m still new at using Hana. Sue me. “now now that isn’t very nice now is it Shark-face?” I couldn’t help it. I took a page out of Yachiru-fukitaicho-samas nickname book. “now just stay there so when this is all done” now that I think of it…I probably didn’t need to go all 2nd form on him…but I couldn’t resist. He got me mad. I started running to help the others when a cero hit Hana knocking her out of my hand, far into a corner on the other side of the room, while another hit me in the lower back causing me to fly a bit before landing hard. I felt I hand encircle my throat and I looked up to see a smirking Shark-face. I messed up big time. Oops.
“why wont you just stay down?!” I shouted kicking my legs and generally flailing around. “and you say imam one trick pony? You did the same thing to Vathana-san!” I clawed at his face as he applied more pressure digging me into the ground. curse my stupid temper. Always gets me in trouble! Just then, when I thought I was done he was pulled away from me. I coughed, rubbing my neck as I looked to see who it was

Yeah im like half asleep, but awake cause were making some shredded chicken, tomato…thingy that smells awesome…I have no idea really what I wrote but I tried!!! Please don’t kill me!!! TT-TT…so whoever wants to take on Grimmjow next go for it ^^. Originally I was gonna show Hana’s second form but I was all like “No! No Ayame! Not yet! Save that for later! To soon! To soon to soon to soon!!!!! Use the staff! Staff equals good! Huganticamongus battle axe equals a slap on the head from Kiari!! (my supid older twin who loves to find my mistakes and prove I’m not such a good daughter, what that has to do with it IDK) Erase the battle axe parts!!! ERASE THEEEEEEEEMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...yeah I’m also really hyper…O.O;; heheh ^^;;anywaaayyyyyyssss…yeah…don’t kill me!!! *hides in a hole*

...i wanna...

Class had finished early and we were allowed to do as we wished as long as we stayed on the grounds. But I wished to do nothing. i had seperated from Kuchiki-san a little bit ago as class let out. I fell back on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. I bit my lip trying to think of something to do. Nothing came. I grabbed my pillow threw it up in the it a few times before squeezing it to my chest, turning to my side, and curling around it. I could hear commotion outside, people making the most of this rarity. I closed my eyes and thought.
Flashes of blue moving like the wind
Shouts of delight
The feeling of flying before plummeting into the wet depths below.
Catching fish and grilling them on the sand…
I shot up with a huge grin, knocking my pillow to the floor. I knew what I wanted to do! I wanted to go swimming! “but…” I faltered “there’s no pool on campus I don’t think and the best one I know of is definitely nowhere on campus”
“so?” Hana countered in her pixie like voice “you always play by the rules! Have some fun!”I stared at the figure that appeared balancing on my mirror, biting my lip as I thought.
“a-alright” I gave in. Hana squealed jumping from her perch to smother me in a hug.
“now les find you a bathing suit!”

About twenty minutes I was ready. I had covered up in my normal clothes, ignoring the protests of Hana. Since she had a thing for lotus blossoms she had created for me a two piece that looked like they were petals and felt like them as well .i grabbed my bag where I had my towel, fishing equiptment and my other bathing suit to change into when I got there and jumped out the window and into a tree a few feet away. I looked around no one was there and jumped to the ground running to the gate. I was almost there when I heard a
“hold it right there?! Where do you think youre going young lady?” I twitched at the voice and turned around
“ah! K-Kyouraku Suinsui-taicho-sama, Ise N-Nanao-fukitaicho-sama. “ I greeted bowing making sure to keep the bag behind me. “I was just going on a…a walk! Please don’t let me keep you from your duties!” I bowed once more backing away. “but it was nice to meet you, have a good day!” Kyouraku-Taicho-sama was about to say something else but Ise-Fukitaicho-sama stopped him, saying something about an urgent meeting. I bowed once more as they left and booked it out of the gate. When I reached the wall I easily jumped to the top. I scanned to see if anyone noticed and quickly hopped down to the other side and started running in the direction I remembered the lake was in ecstatic that I finally was out once more


Kokoro spotted Harmony-san talking to Takeshi-san. She was relieved. She was hoping the resident jerks on campus would have already gotten to him. She heard her talking to Niikashira and giggled.

“hey Harmony-san!” I called as Kuchiki-san and I walked up “ I see you found our other new student! I’m Tokushi, Kokoro. Nice to meet you Takeshi-san” I beamed “welcome.” I turned to Kuchiki-san. “this is Kuchiki, Toma-san though” I tilted my head “ I think you already knew that from her introduction huh?” I bit my lip pulling my ear. I’ve been doing that a lot lately. Weird. Oh well.

;we were just heading back to class’ Harmony-san said. I froze
“we should hurry!” I cried “he has a temper worse than mine!” I shuddered at the stories I heard. “and class starts back up in…” I looked at the clock “a minute!” I freaked. Wwe all started running. The class was out back a ways so we wouldn’t damage the school when we fought. I should have noticed everyone else was gone. I froze suddenly.
“whats up?! We gotta hurry!” Harmony-san shouted back
“Hisa-san and Vathana-san are on the fields opposite. No clocks!” I turned and started for the fields. “don’t be late!” I shouted over my shoulder.
I reached the fields in record time. “hey!” I shouted out of breath as soon as I saw them, there was another girl there but I’d worry about that later. “class starts in less than a minute! Come on! Don’t wanna be late do you?! Bring the new girl!” I cried as I started running as fast as I could back to class praying they heard me

lets be friends

Kokoro felt bad for the girl. People were talking about her, and she had seen Byakuya-taicho-sama before in action against shiro. She wanted nothing more than to go up and give the girl a hug. Which she did. To say she surprised her was an understatement.
“sorry” I chuckled nerviously scratching my head. “it seemed like you needed one. I know I don’t wanna mess with him. I’ve seen how taichos can be.” I pulled my ear biting my lip “sorry. I hope you don’t mind.” I realized I hadn’t given the proper greeting and freaked out. “oh! I’m Kokoro! Kokoro Tokushi!” I said bowing franticlly. “and your…” I tried to remember “…Toma Kuchiki-san right? Nice to meet you!” I smiled “I hope we can be great friends!” ugh. Too cheerful. I was even hurting my own head. I had to be bothering her. But that’s what I get for staying up all with no sleep for the past two nights to practice. I could still hear people talking about her behind me. It was probably the same people who were talking about Kikyo-san, no sense in loyalty amongst fellow school mates. I really hoped they were going to be in the opposite team. I didn’t wanna get in trouble for kicking them in the face with the ball if they were on my team, though I could blame it on my faulty kicking. I thought grinning. I smiled at Toma-san once more before turning and starting to walk away. I paused when I noticed she wasn’t following, I frowned for a sec before smiling looking over my shoulder.
“I don’t really wanna be captain’ I called to her, hoping she would get the hint and come with me “I don’t wanna let everyone on my team down. What about you?” she didn’t answer me, but she did walk over to me. I grinned, taking her hand, hoping I wasn’t being a nuisance, “‘come on! I wanna introduce you to the others. Their all really nice and won’t bother you a bit. Hopefully” I paused “but if they do just tell me and I’ll bash their heads in for you!” I laughed letting go of her hand to punch my my other hand “though I doubt I will” i laughed continuing to walk. i looked over at her. "i really do hope we can be friends" i smiled. for some reason i was drawn to this petite girl and felt that i just had to befriend her. i juct couldnt explain t. i shook it of smiling as we continued, in search of my, and hopefully her soon-to-be, friends

i hope this is alright toma-san. ^_^ i didnt know if you wanted to be captian or not so i had you not answer. ^_^

and my latest kokoro-chan pic sorry i keep adding them i hope no one minds, i just keep drawing them lol. i suck with areal views. but she's in uniform!...for once...though it looks more like a kimono...TT-TT lol. she's crying and i dont know why...maybe she walked into a door...anyways...here it is