Welcome to Shinigami Academy. A school for souls who wish to become a shinigami. By enrolling in this academy, you are one step closer to become a member of Gotei 13.

Alrite, here's the thing. anyone who is interested can join this academy. you will start as a new student (1st grade, 10pts will be awarded upon enrolment). if u complete a task/ join activity you will be promoted to higher grade. the highest grade is 4, after that u will graduate and join the Gotei 13 (the journey wont ends here..).

1st grade: 1-30 points
2nd grade: 31-80 pts
3rd grade: 81-180 pts
4th grade: 181-250pts

ok, if u like to join,pm me with these details of your OC

-squad that u wish to be in
-fav captain
-place of origin (seireitei or rukongai)
-do u have any friend/family in Gotei 13? if yes please state their name and squad no.
-do u have any skill/power/special ability

that's all for now. if u have any questions or anything just leave your comments here or simply pm me.

>>> tho the 'class' have already started, we are still accepting new students. so just send in your application if u are interested.


-Name- points (grade):

-Kokoro Tokushi - 165 (3)
-Suchi-ru Harmony - 120 (3)
-Hisa Yuki - 336 (OFFICER)
-Vathana Hadachi - 212 (4)
-Toko Namonje - 113 (3)
-Kikyo Aburame -75 (2)
-Renton - 13(1)
-Kira Yamaneko - 54(2)
-Toma Kuchiki - 205 (4)
-Takeshi Ray - 62 (2)
-Akane Kasomi - 81 (3)
-Raidon Takumi - 227 (4)
-Hiroshi Tsubasa - 10 (1)
-Tendo Hiruma - 65 (2)
-Yoko Minamino - 65 (2)
-Mchile - 60 (2)

-List of Assignments /Tasks
>Assignment 1 - Soul Society
>Assignment 2 - Riddles :submit your answers before october 9 2009
>Assignment 3: Shinigami's New Year (ends Jan 15,2010)
>Assignment 4: Interview (ends May 11,2010)

>Soccer Rules

getting over fear

I winced from the pain across my torso as sensei-sama grabbed me across my waist and pulled me behind a tree with hias-san, and momo. I was still out of it. Black invading my sight only to recede then reappears, my hearing was fuzzy, I was dizzy, in pain but the huge trench that appeared suddenly brought me back to reality in a snap. I relaxed at shiros voice. He was here. I heard some shouting to control it and peered out. I froze. So his eyes weren’t just a trick of the light.

“He-he-he’s a h-h-hollow!” I gasped I felt momo’s hand on my shoulder and flinched back and turned away from the scene. I felt her wrap her arms around me.

‘Its ok” she soothed

I looked over at once to see kokoro’s reaction, her terror of hollows and all and I don’t think she realized that he wasn’t a hollow. But she couldn’t still be afraid could she? My hand on her shoulder proved me wrong. She flinched back. When she turned away I got a glimpse of her face. Her eyes were wide. I couldn’t detect any pupils and tears were pouring down her cheeks. I doubt she even noticed. I wrapped my arms around her and tried to calm her down at least a bit.

I heard the fight come to an end. I looked up at the presence of another.
“s-shiro” for once he wasn’t upset when I didn’t use his full name. Though I did see him wince when he pulled me up. When did he get taller than me?
“Stupid shrimp-no-more” I muttered feeling him chuckle. I leaned against him and he wrapped his arms around me, as did momo and Ran when she got here. I closed my eyes in shame. I thought I was strong, but instead got hurt immediately and couldn’t help. Plus I was crying like a baby. I felt the fourth squad arrive. Shiro yelled at anyone lower than fuku-taisho if they tried to take me. He finally released me to Unohana-taishou-sama and she let her spiritual pressure flow over me causing me to sleep.
I woke in the medical ward after…I don’t know how long actually. Momo was asleep in a chair, her head at my legs. She looked exhausted. I slowly got out of the bed careful not to disturb the wraps covering my chest
“Couldn’t they have left my shirt?” I thought blushing. I turned and wrapped my blanket around Momo and turned to walk out. I heard her whisper shiro’s name and smiled, turning back to leave. I lifted the curtain separating the room and almost screamed. Vathana-san. I immediately felt ashamed. But I couldn’t help it. He was a hollow. I swallowed my terror, I was unable to tell if he was awake or not, and rushed from the ward to…well anywhere but there

I went to see shiro. He made me tea and gave me his captains robe and told me we’ve been out for a week. He also told me my presumptions about Vathana-san were wrong. He wasn’t a hollow. He was something called a vizard. After promising to look vizard up in the library he walked me back to see unahana-taicho-sama and treatened that if I didn’t stay and act normal he’d tahe away all my pocky stash. He woke momo and brought her with him as unahana-taichou-sama entered.
So I waited. After a while he woke up. I felt so ashamed after being afraid that I swallowed my fear and hugged him. This was my friend. He wasn’t a hollow! I had no reason to be frightened. We started talking. He was saying how he was going to get in trouble with head captain-sama, and possibly be executed! I didn’t want to even think of that! Its so horrible! A bit later there was a knock. I answered.
“Shiro! “ I glomped him. I felt him glaring at Vathana-san and hit him across the back of his head. “if I have to be nice so do you.” He glared at me. “hey. I’m injured. Be nice!” he shoved me out the door with a “I don’t do nice brat. Wait here” and closed the door in my face. I stuck my tongue out at the door.
----------------------------sort lil shiro POV---------------------------------
“you just had to see what was wrong didn’t you?” I snarled to the boy in bed. “look at her! When she arrived at my quarters she could barely stand!”
“I didn’t ask for any help” vathana replied. He turned his head to the side and looked down with lidded eyes

“You little-“ I lunged at him
--------------------------end short lil shiro POV------------------------------
I opened the door at the broken lamp.

“SHIRO!” I cried trying to pull me back.
“Leave me alone!” she snarled and backhanded me. I fell to the floor in shock clutching my red cheek. I wasn’t the only one in shock

“kokoro…im-“ I didn’t wait to hear the rest. I ran crying once again. I ran to the old tree in the middle of the seretei and jumped up curling into a ball on one of the branches. I feel asleep again
Yes I know I’m playing the little scared etc girl. Its fun for me lol.and Vathana-san i didnt mean for you to sound like a jerk in the first. i'm not so good at creating words for characters i didnt create if it's still wrong ill change it. and i attempted to clear up the hollow mistake. i was working on another story and got confused.hope this is ok!


Kokoro caught the kendo stick with a smirk at the sensei. “Finally. A fight!” she thought”and if sensei-samas lucky ill try” she inwardly laughed at her thought. All of a sudden a huge weighted cloud landed over her. A familiar strong pressure dancing with an even stronger, strange blood thirsty one. That one chilled her to the bone and awakened old memories. She was faintly able to make out the sensei say to stay before he ran out and Hias yuki-san, a fellow classmate, say something else. She was itching to run away screaming but also to run and protect the classmate that was fighting. She turned to Namonje Toko-san in hope his answer would reveal the missed statement. He just nodded and ran out of the Dojo with Hais-san. She understood the statement and followed.

They arrived to see their sensei scolding Vathana, Hadachi-san. She took notice of a black box and was puzzled but continued to observe the surroundings as the other two continued towards the duo. Something was wrong, but kokoro was unable to figure out what. A sharp cracking noise drew her, and everyone else’s, eyes to the coffin as it exploded. Everyone readied but once the smoke cleared it revealed that its occupant was missing. She felt something behind her and turned her head for a quick look. Her eyes widened in alarm. The owner of the strange spiritual pressure was fast approaching the others after completely masking his presence unable to see her in her location still hidden in the trees.
“he may have masked himself, but he still makes the shadows move” she thought as she noticed no one else detected him. She ran out before him and threw her arms out preparing to attack.
“Tsukyomi Posse-!” she cried before the arrancars claws ripped a path through her, from her right hip to her left shoulder, flinging her a couple feet with a shriek of pain. She felt blood drip down her arm and over her bracelet activating it. Soon Shiro would receive the signal and know something was wrong and would arrive to help hopefully bringing ran and momo.
She struggled to her feet dripping blood and watched the fight. Namonje-san was using his wind, vathana-san was attempting to re-trap the arrancar in another coffin, Hias-san was using her kendo stick to fight hand to hand, and sensei-sana had already activated his zanpakuto. She couldnt feel shiro yet. If they couldn’t defeat the arrancar, than they could try at least hold him off until help arrives.
“Tsukyomi possession!” she cried willing to control the arrancar, and the arrancar only but nothing happened. She looked at her arms and realized his claw marks had halted her spiritual pressure flow. This couldn’t have just been luck on his part. She saw the arrancar repeatedly try to reach the others but thankfully they kept dodging out of the way.
“I have to hold him before he can gat anyone else!” she cried willing with all her heart to control him
“Tsukyomi possession! Tsukyomi possession!” she cried watching her classmates and teacher flit about, ever so close to getting injured. She didn’t want anyone to get hurt!
“TSUKYOMI POSSESSION!!!” she screamed. Every ounce of her spiritual pressure was released in a blast hurtling toward the arrancar causing him to freeze instantly. She, once again, was tossed back and trough a couple of trees before crashing into a stubborn one. She coughed blood at the impact that rattled her bones, tearing her cut even more, causing immense pain. She fell to the base of the tree a couple of branches landing on her. She could hear signs of the others moving about and others approaching.
“D-damn it” she breathed before passing out
hows that? ^_^ origionally i was gonna freeze him immedietly and have someone take him out or cause him to kill himself on my own but i thought this was better! Shiro is on his way with Ran by the way. he's almost there

journey to the past-kokoros story

I am not from the soul society. I am from a place I no longer remember the name of. I was five when it started. My father was killed in an accident. I was unable to grasp the concept of his passing, especially when I saw him days later reaching for me. The second I passed through his body in an attempt to hug him changed my life forever.

I started seeing things. Horrible strange things. Things I was never meant to see. They locked me in a place on my seventh birthday. When I would scream in terror at the creatures that walked the halls hidden from everyone else, they would strap me down and prick me with a needle filled with tranquilizes. Leaving me to silently await my death by the things in my prison with dear filled eyes.

It didn’t happen for another two years. Instead they laughed at my tears and tore at my flesh, my once long hair. When I was nine when they finally killed me. It was painless surprisingly. They picked me up like usual. This time, when they separated my soul from my broken battered body, they didn’t bother to reattach it.

I spent the next two years running and hiding still in the human world. Because I hadn’t left the world I was stuck in my nine year old body. I dodged many soul reapers, frightened because I thought they would bring me back to the monsters. At the end of the second year they caught up with me in a place named Okinawa, I remember going there with my father when he was alive. I was cornered when a young man, about a year or two older than I was, appeared and destroyed them. I screamed when he turned to me thinking I was next. He was surprised and tried to calm me down. He said his name was Toshiro Hitsugaya-taicho. He would look after me. He was the one who sent me here.

When I arrived here I hid from every other soul reaper at first. I only trusted Shiro. I didn’t wait to get placed I hid directly in the farthest district in the runkongai. I only went out at night at first. But soon I realized that even in death I need to eat and being here awakened my hunger. I did what I could to survive. Stealing, cheating. It wasn’t that hard. When I had arrived my body had went to my age state. All I had to do at times was look a certain way. I still hated it though. I felt bad.

I lived for the days Shiro would appear on my doorstep with real food in a basket, momo and Rangiku at his sides. We all become close. A “family”. When I awoke screaming from terrors of my past life, momo would hold me until I fell asleep, singing to me. When people would harass me, Shiro would always defend me. And Ran was always there or the dreaded “boy advice”. They were always there for me. In fact, when they realized I hadn’t been sorted they literally tied me up and dragged me to the sorter shinigami. He placed me here, the academy.

Shiro said it was for my own good. To get over my fear of unknown Shinigami, and for when people bothered me, I could kick their butts and get away with it.

I still refuse to forget my human life. I cant. I still have my scars and run my fingers along them. I keep my hair in the same short style as when I died. I still wake up screaming from nightmares of the Hollows that tortured me everyday for two years and hunted me down for another two. I still cant find my father. And I don’t know what came of my mother since she locked me in my prison, for she never visited, never even shed a tear. But maybe, if I can complete the academy, I can finally find out.


Kokoro sighed from her perch in the window sill. it was her first day in the seretei let alone the academy and she had to depict the people? these wernt her people. her people were the ones on the other side of the wall. she staired at the sky distraughtly and sighed.
"maybe i should have rangiku take a picture of me making shirou pose with a monkey" she thought a smirk forming on her lips as she pictured his face. "that would be funny AND teach shorty to send me on a goose hunt. literally. i dont think geese even exist here. i dont care if its some initiation rite, which i doubt,imma make him pay" she vowed running her hand through her black hair, messing it up even more.
she hopped out not even caring that she was on the fourth floor and started to walk around. she paused and looked back over her shoulder to the classroom. "i hope i wont get in trouble. i am figuring out the assignment." she continued walking.
she went to the training yard and watched the students practice kido. she even practiced as well when the sensei caught her.
then she headed over to the building and listened to the calligraphy class sitting in the hall with students. apparentl this was a popular class. she watched the flower arrangement class held by Unahana-taicho and imagined herself creating the beautiful works of art. she walked to the 13 quard squads area and made shirou stand like a monkey while Rangiku took several pictures laughing. she even managed to slip out and into the rukongai. she walked around and took note of how, while everything had changed for her, nothing had here.
after a while she went back to the school and rested, defeated, on a tree. while she had fun she had no clue what to use. Again her emerald orbs turned to the sky.

in this world
there are things
you cant can be
places you cant go
all depending where you come from

she whispered

come from the right place
and youre welcomed
but come from the wrong
and youre shunned
viewed worthless
and useless and what makes it hurt more
is the fact their so close

she closed her eyes

you can eat whatever you like here
where before, i had to steal
you practice in the open
where before i had to hide
but the thing that hurts the most
is that the two worlds
are so close

ok. its done. please excuse the bad poem. it suked major but i couldnt really think of anything and i made it up on the spot. if this isnt ok headmaster-sama, than ill change it