Welcome to Shinigami Academy. A school for souls who wish to become a shinigami. By enrolling in this academy, you are one step closer to become a member of Gotei 13.

Alrite, here's the thing. anyone who is interested can join this academy. you will start as a new student (1st grade, 10pts will be awarded upon enrolment). if u complete a task/ join activity you will be promoted to higher grade. the highest grade is 4, after that u will graduate and join the Gotei 13 (the journey wont ends here..).

1st grade: 1-30 points
2nd grade: 31-80 pts
3rd grade: 81-180 pts
4th grade: 181-250pts

ok, if u like to join,pm me with these details of your OC

-squad that u wish to be in
-fav captain
-place of origin (seireitei or rukongai)
-do u have any friend/family in Gotei 13? if yes please state their name and squad no.
-do u have any skill/power/special ability

that's all for now. if u have any questions or anything just leave your comments here or simply pm me.

>>> tho the 'class' have already started, we are still accepting new students. so just send in your application if u are interested.


-Name- points (grade):

-Kokoro Tokushi - 165 (3)
-Suchi-ru Harmony - 120 (3)
-Hisa Yuki - 336 (OFFICER)
-Vathana Hadachi - 212 (4)
-Toko Namonje - 113 (3)
-Kikyo Aburame -75 (2)
-Renton - 13(1)
-Kira Yamaneko - 54(2)
-Toma Kuchiki - 205 (4)
-Takeshi Ray - 62 (2)
-Akane Kasomi - 81 (3)
-Raidon Takumi - 227 (4)
-Hiroshi Tsubasa - 10 (1)
-Tendo Hiruma - 65 (2)
-Yoko Minamino - 65 (2)
-Mchile - 60 (2)

-List of Assignments /Tasks
>Assignment 1 - Soul Society
>Assignment 2 - Riddles :submit your answers before october 9 2009
>Assignment 3: Shinigami's New Year (ends Jan 15,2010)
>Assignment 4: Interview (ends May 11,2010)

>Soccer Rules

Dark Demise

(Battle BGM: Eternal Engine of Linguistic Massacre, From Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth) Rai pulled out his zanpakuto and unleashed shi-kai. He charged in started attacking. The manikin dodged all attacks. “Just…stay… s...

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"KOKORO!" Hisa screamed as she watched her friend crash throught the trees and pass out.
She looked down at ther Kendo 'Danm it... Why can't you be a real Zanpakutou.'The kendo glowed an intense birght light, forcing Hisa to close her eyes. When she opened them again she had a zanpakutou in her hands.
The arrancar started moving again.
"HEY YOU!" She shouted towards the arrancar.
He looked in her direction.
"NO ONE HURTS MY FRIENDS AND GETS AWAY WITH IT." She stated as her spirtual pressure went through the roof. "Now Speak Tanaka."
Her zanpakutou formed two wrist bands and twin blands shot out of them. They were as long as her forarms.
Vathana pulled out his zanpakutou and stood next to Hisa. "Are you ready?" He asked getting in a fighting stance.
Hisa ripped off the sleaves to her school uniform. "Lets go."
Suddenly Ikkaku and Momo got in front of them.
"We'll handle this you kids stay back." Ikkaku ordered.
- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -
Hisa obtained her Zanpakutou. notice anything about it?
