
Kokoro sighed from her perch in the window sill. it was her first day in the seretei let alone the academy and she had to depict the people? these wernt her people. her people were the ones on the other side of the wall. she staired at the sky distraughtly and sighed.
"maybe i should have rangiku take a picture of me making shirou pose with a monkey" she thought a smirk forming on her lips as she pictured his face. "that would be funny AND teach shorty to send me on a goose hunt. literally. i dont think geese even exist here. i dont care if its some initiation rite, which i doubt,imma make him pay" she vowed running her hand through her black hair, messing it up even more.
she hopped out not even caring that she was on the fourth floor and started to walk around. she paused and looked back over her shoulder to the classroom. "i hope i wont get in trouble. i am figuring out the assignment." she continued walking.
she went to the training yard and watched the students practice kido. she even practiced as well when the sensei caught her.
then she headed over to the building and listened to the calligraphy class sitting in the hall with students. apparentl this was a popular class. she watched the flower arrangement class held by Unahana-taicho and imagined herself creating the beautiful works of art. she walked to the 13 quard squads area and made shirou stand like a monkey while Rangiku took several pictures laughing. she even managed to slip out and into the rukongai. she walked around and took note of how, while everything had changed for her, nothing had here.
after a while she went back to the school and rested, defeated, on a tree. while she had fun she had no clue what to use. Again her emerald orbs turned to the sky.

in this world
there are things
you cant can be
places you cant go
all depending where you come from

she whispered

come from the right place
and youre welcomed
but come from the wrong
and youre shunned
viewed worthless
and useless and what makes it hurt more
is the fact their so close

she closed her eyes

you can eat whatever you like here
where before, i had to steal
you practice in the open
where before i had to hide
but the thing that hurts the most
is that the two worlds
are so close

ok. its done. please excuse the bad poem. it suked major but i couldnt really think of anything and i made it up on the spot. if this isnt ok headmaster-sama, than ill change it
