journey to the past-kokoros story

I am not from the soul society. I am from a place I no longer remember the name of. I was five when it started. My father was killed in an accident. I was unable to grasp the concept of his passing, especially when I saw him days later reaching for me. The second I passed through his body in an attempt to hug him changed my life forever.

I started seeing things. Horrible strange things. Things I was never meant to see. They locked me in a place on my seventh birthday. When I would scream in terror at the creatures that walked the halls hidden from everyone else, they would strap me down and prick me with a needle filled with tranquilizes. Leaving me to silently await my death by the things in my prison with dear filled eyes.

It didn’t happen for another two years. Instead they laughed at my tears and tore at my flesh, my once long hair. When I was nine when they finally killed me. It was painless surprisingly. They picked me up like usual. This time, when they separated my soul from my broken battered body, they didn’t bother to reattach it.

I spent the next two years running and hiding still in the human world. Because I hadn’t left the world I was stuck in my nine year old body. I dodged many soul reapers, frightened because I thought they would bring me back to the monsters. At the end of the second year they caught up with me in a place named Okinawa, I remember going there with my father when he was alive. I was cornered when a young man, about a year or two older than I was, appeared and destroyed them. I screamed when he turned to me thinking I was next. He was surprised and tried to calm me down. He said his name was Toshiro Hitsugaya-taicho. He would look after me. He was the one who sent me here.

When I arrived here I hid from every other soul reaper at first. I only trusted Shiro. I didn’t wait to get placed I hid directly in the farthest district in the runkongai. I only went out at night at first. But soon I realized that even in death I need to eat and being here awakened my hunger. I did what I could to survive. Stealing, cheating. It wasn’t that hard. When I had arrived my body had went to my age state. All I had to do at times was look a certain way. I still hated it though. I felt bad.

I lived for the days Shiro would appear on my doorstep with real food in a basket, momo and Rangiku at his sides. We all become close. A “family”. When I awoke screaming from terrors of my past life, momo would hold me until I fell asleep, singing to me. When people would harass me, Shiro would always defend me. And Ran was always there or the dreaded “boy advice”. They were always there for me. In fact, when they realized I hadn’t been sorted they literally tied me up and dragged me to the sorter shinigami. He placed me here, the academy.

Shiro said it was for my own good. To get over my fear of unknown Shinigami, and for when people bothered me, I could kick their butts and get away with it.

I still refuse to forget my human life. I cant. I still have my scars and run my fingers along them. I keep my hair in the same short style as when I died. I still wake up screaming from nightmares of the Hollows that tortured me everyday for two years and hunted me down for another two. I still cant find my father. And I don’t know what came of my mother since she locked me in my prison, for she never visited, never even shed a tear. But maybe, if I can complete the academy, I can finally find out.
